UCSIA/IJS-Leerstoel 2018-2019: Prof. dr. Claude B. Stuczynski

In het academiejaar 2018-2019, de elfde editie van dit initiatief, bekleedt Prof. dr. Claude B. Stuczynski (Bar-Ilan University) de leerstoel.

Prof. Stuczynski is Associate Professor in het departement geschiedenis aan de Bar-Ilan University. Hij is ook lid van de raad van bestuur bij het ‘Center for the Study of Conversions and Interreligious Encounters (CSOC)’ aan de Ben-Gurion University. Hij is een deskundige inzake de ‘conversos’ in Portugal – meer in het bijzonder het ‘marrano paulinisch moment’ – alsook de eerste ontmoetingen tussen Europeanen en Amerikaanse indianen.

Op donderdag 21 februari 2019 om 20.00 uur
And the Rest Is History: Sabbath versus Sunday

Prof. dr. Israel J. Yuval, verbonden aan het departement voor Joodse geschiedenis van de Hebrew University Jeruzalem, verzorgt de lezing. Hij is auteur van talrijke gezaghebbende boeken en ontving in 2016 het Bundesverdienstkreuz uit handen van de president van de Duitse Bondsrepubliek.
Prof. dr. Claude B. Stuczynski geeft een respons.

Op dinsdag 26 februari 2019 om 20.00 uur
Converso Paulinism: Between ‘Marrano’ Apologetics to Judeo-Christian Theology (15th-17th Centuries)

Prof. dr. Claude B. Stuczynski verzorgt de lezing.
Deze lezing wordt gevolgd door een receptie.

Beide lezingen vinden plaats in het Hof van Liere, Prinsstraat 13b, 2000 Antwerpen.

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Lezing 21 februari 2019

Donderdag 21 februari 2019 om 20.00 uur

Prof. Dr. Israel J. Yuval - Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Met een respons van Prof. Dr. Claude B. Stuczynski (Bar-Ilan University)

Lezing in het Engels. Deze lezing gaat door in het Hof van Liere, Prinsstraat 13b, 2000 Antwerpen.
Deze lezing maakt deel uit van de UCSIA/IJS-Leerstoel 2018-19 en wordt georganiseerd in samenwerking met UCSIA.

Industrialization created cultures of leisure. The pursuit of rest is part and parcel of capitalism, and it has become a universal human right. Today, we need rest not only from work but also from technology. However, the value of rest is the result of a long historical process, one in which Jews and Christians participated in antiquity and in the Middle Ages. The history of rest is restless. It contains all the components of a living culture: competition, strife, acculturation and imitation.

The question Prof. Yuval would like to address in this lecture is how the idea of rest evolved before it became common knowledge. From the beginning, Christianity set Sunday and not Saturday as the most important day of the week. Christians adopted the pagan criticism against the Jewish physical rest by defining it as “idleness”. However, in the fifth and even more so in the sixth century, the Sunday serenity became more and more justified by the biblical Sabbath model.

Parallel to the establishment of Sunday as a day of rest, there were trends to confer Christian content on Saturday. Christianity offered two alternative definitions of the concept of rest on Shabbat: the Eastern Church preferred a contemplative way and replaced rest with study; the Western Church preferred meditation, replacing rest with fasting.

Did the introduction of Sunday as an obligatory day of rest became a threat to the uniqueness of the Jewish Sabbath? Did Jews care about those internal Christian controversies? Did they formulate their own attitude toward the meaning of rest on the Sabbath?

Israel J. Yuval is currently the Academic Head of the Jack, Joseph and Morton Mandel School for Advanced Studies in the Humanities at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. He holds the Teddy Kollek Chair for Cultural Studies of Vienna and Jerusalem and teaches in the Department of Jewish History at Hebrew University. From 1998-2008 he was the head of Germania Judaica IV (together with Prof. Michael Toch and Prof. Stefan Rohrbacher). In 2011-12 he was a co-editor of Tarbiz – A Quarterly in Jewish Studies. In 2002 he founded Scholion - Research Center for Jewish Studies and was its head from 2002 till 2010. His book Scholars in Their Time: The Religious Leadership of German Jewry in the Late Middle Ages (1988) won the Zalman Shazar Prize in Jewish history. His book “Two Nations in Your Womb”. Perceptions of Jews and Christians (Hebrew) was published by Magnes Press in 2000; an English translation was published in 2006 by the University of California Press. The book won the Bialik Prize in Jewish Studies and Literature, 2002 and was awarded by the French Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres, 2013. In 2016 Israel Yuval was the recipient of the Verdienstkreuz der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, awarded by the President of the Federal Republic of Germany, Mr. Joachim Gauck.

Lezing 26 februari 2019

Dinsdag 26 februari 2019 om 20.00 uur

Prof. Dr. Claude B. Stuczynski - Bar-Ilan University

Lezing in het Engels. Deze lezing gaat uitzonderlijk door op dinsdag in het Hof van Liere, Prinsstraat 13b, 2000 Antwerpen.
Deze lezing maakt deel uit van de UCSIA/IJS-Leerstoel 2018-19 en wordt georganiseerd in samenwerking met UCSIA.
De lezing zal gevolgd worden door een receptie.

In this lecture, Prof. Stuczynski will argue that as a result of mass conversion in the Iberian Peninsula and the formation of a New Christian or Converso long-lasting phenomenon, some of those Spanish and  Portuguese baptized Jews and their old Christian supporters employed the life and the teachings of St. Paul in order to endorse the integration of the Converso group within the Iberian society, thereby facing inquisitorial suspicion and “purity of blood” ethnic exclusion. In doing so, however, they elaborated a Judaeo-Christian way of being Catholic. Stuczynski will show how such expressions of Converso and pro-Converso Paulinism anticipated the policies of the Catholic Church vis-a-vis the Jews and Judaism, after the Shoah and the Second Vatican Council.

Claude (Dov) B. Stuczynski is an Associate Professor in the Department of General History at Bar-Ilan University and board member of the Center for the Study of Conversions and Interreligious Encounters (CSOC) at Ben-Gurion University. His two central fields of research are the Portuguese Converso phenomenon and the first encounters between Europeans and Amerindians. He is particularly interested in the relationship between religion and politics in Medieval and Early Modern periods and is currently preparing a study of the theological-political dimension of the Converso phenomenon (what he terms “The Marrano Paulinian Moment”).