UCSIA/IJS-Leerstoel 2013-2014: Is There a Judeo-Christian Tradition?
International Workshop
12-13 februari 2014
Universiteit Antwerpen, Hof van Liere
Prinsstraat 13, 2000 Antwerpen
Although the term “Judeo-Christian” is used frequently and in many contexts, it is by no means a self-evident concept and has a fascinating and loaded history. This workshop will explore the historical and present usage of the term as well as its theological, philosophical and political implications for an understanding of the relationship between Judaism and Christianity and for other religions as well as other intercultural and interreligious dialogues.
Keynote speakers:
Prof. dr. Israel Yuval (Hebrew University of Jerusalem) en
Prof. dr. Ada Rapoport-Albert (University College London)
Woensdag 12 februari
Openingssessie: The Contribution of Christianity to Rabbinic Judaism
Chair: Vivian Liska (IJS, Universiteit Antwerpen)
20.00-20.10 Welkom door Jacques Haers (UCSIA), Vivian Liska (IJS) en Itzhak
Benyamini (HU & BAAD)
20.10-21.00 Keynote lezing: Israel Yuval (Hebrew University of Jerusalem)
The Contribution of Christianity to Rabbinic Judaism
21.00-21.30 Respons door Bernd Witte (Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf)
21.30-22.00 Discussie gevolgd door een receptie
Donderdag 13 februari
Sessie I: Critical Theology and the Judeo-Christian Tradition
Chair: Dennis Baert (IJS)
09.00-09.30 Itzhak Benyamini (University of Haifa & Bezalel Academy of Arts and
Beyond the Hyphenated Jew: The “Judeo-Christian” in the Wake of
Jean-François Lyotard
09.30-10.00 Michael F. Mach (Tel-Aviv University)
Modern Jewish/Christian Theologies
10.00-10.30 Jacques Haers (KU Leuven en UCSIA)
Theology : Critical when Attempting to Discern Emerging Creativity
10.30-11.00 Discussie
11.00-11.15 Koffiepauze
Sessie II: Law and Love in the Jewish and Christian Tradition
Chair: David Dessin (IJS)
11.15-11.45 Emmanuel Nathan (KU Leuven)
Two Pauls, Three Opinions: The Jewish Paul between Law and Love
11.45-12.15 Yitzhak Melamed (Johns Hopkins University)
Spinoza and Paul: Christians and Pharisees
12.15-12.45 Vivian Liska (IJS, Universiteit Antwerpen)
Readings of Kafka and the Law from Walter Benjamin to Giorgio
12.45-13.15 Discussie
13.15-14.30 Lunch (enkel sprekers)
Sessie III: The Judeo-Christian Tradition and Other Religious Traditions
Chair: Jacques Haers (KU Leuven en UCSIA)
14.30-15.00 Warren Zeev Harvey (Hebrew University of Jerusalem)
The Judeo-Christian Tradition’s Five Others
15.00-15.30 Elizabeth Harris (Liverpool Hope University)
Idolatry or a Path of Compassion? Jewish and Christian Attitudes to
15.30-16.00 Anya Topolski (KU Leuven)
A Genealogy of the 'Judeo-Christian' Signifier:
A Tale of Europe’s Identity Crisis
16.00-16.30 Discussie
16.30-17.00 Koffiepauze
Afsluitende sessie: Jewish and Christian Female Mystics
Chair: Vivian Liska (IJS, Universiteit Antwerpen)
17.00-17.10 Welkom door Jacques Haers (UCSIA) en Vivian Liska (IJS)
17.10-18.00 Ada Rapoport-Albert (University College London)
“They laud his Mother Mary, entreat her and pray to her, for she is the
counterpart of the Holy Shekhinah”: A Sabbatean View of Divine
Femininity against the Background of Marian Piety
18.00-18.30 Respons door Veerle Fraeters (Ruusbroecgenootschap, Universiteit
18.30-19.00 Discussie
19.00 Diner (enkel sprekers)
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