Seminarie 'Talmud, and, Philosophy'
Talmud, and, Philosophy
Prof. dr. Sergey Dologopolski (University at Buffalo)
21-22-23 november 2016
Telkens van 16.00 u tot 18.00 u
Annexe-gebouw Stadscampus Universiteit Antwerpen
Lange Winkelstraat 9, 2000 Antwerpen
Deelname aan dit drieledig seminarie is gratis.
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The seminar will consist of three sessions:
- 1. Jews in Theory and in the Two Talmuds
Monday 21 November 2016, 16h00-18h00
Through readings in rabbinic literature and in the works of Carl Schmitt and Jacob Taubes, the session will outline the movement from political theology of decision and/or uncertainty to political philology of refutation in both late ancient and contemporary contexts.
- 2. Earth Anew: From the Two Talmuds to Pre-Socratics to a Critique of Digital Globalism
Tuesday 22 November 2016, 16h00-18h00
Through a comparative reading in parallel pericopae in the Palestinian and Babylonian Talmuds, the session will explore the relationships between earth, being, time, and grounding in (and despite) the context of Heidegger’s and Deleuze’s competing approaches to pre-Socratics. We will particularly emphasize implications of this analysis for contemporary discussion on digital globalism and of the role of both real and imaginary Jews therein.
- 3. K in Plural: Are the Talmuds a Minor Literature?
Wednesday 23 November 2016, 16h00-18h00
Through a comparative reading of Kafka’s parables, Deleuze’s book on Minor Literature, and selected passages from the Babylonian Talmud, the seminar will explore the advantages and limitations of the concept of “minor literature” when applied to the Talmud as a literary corpus.