Health Humanities Network Event

On 30 May '24 Metrodora organised a network event for researchers interested in all matters health humanities. The event took meaningful place at Campus Drie Eiken, the University of Antwerp Campus for Life Sciences. Forty researchers and experts from the biomedical field and from the humanities gathered to meet and explore common interests, to talk about topics that require interdisciplinary approaches such as birth, death, youth, vulnerability and environment, disability studies... Also, during the event, the artwork HANDS by medical artist Pascale Pollier, was presented. The initiative was met with great enthusiasm and we hope to have inspired cross-disciplinary initiatives. 

Exhibition 'The Nobodies'

From 19 February until 27 May 2024, the R building hosts a free art exhibition as part of the lecture series Death Care (in the stairway going towards -1). 

The exhibition shows by paintings by Anna Suwalowska that delve deep into the ethical considerations surrounding the care and remembrance of unidentified dead people, inviting viewers to contemplate our collective responsibility towards the forgotten and unseen.

"The Nobodies" serves as a powerful connection to the often-overlooked individuals who occupy the periphery of society, exploring the ethical dimensions of providing dignity and respect to those who remain nameless even in death.

Opening reception and meeting the artist on Monday 18 March

Podcast series Autistic Counterstories

Autistic Counterstories is a three-part podcast series,  in which we celebrate and affirm the diverse perspectives of autistic people, informed by research developments and lived experiences.

The podcast was released in February 2024. On Friday March 29 10:30-15:30 we organise a collective listening and reflection day in Antwerp. More details here. All welcome!

·       EP1: When we imagine an autistic person

·       EP2: Autism as a mixing board

·       EP3: On autistic and queer identities

Winter School Feminism and Motherhood

Between 5 and 9 February 2024, the Antwerp Winter School on Feminism and Motherhood will reflect on the complicated but philosophically rich relation between feminism and motherhood. 

While famous second-wave feminists like Simone de Beauvoir publicly opposed motherhood, and many contemporary feminists still find it difficult to reconcile motherhood with their feminist convictions, other strands of feminism like black feminism have always pointed out the feminist potential of the experience of mothering. Rather than spelling out the complicated relation between feminism and motherhood directly, we will explore it through the topic of polymaternalism.

Applications are accepted until 17 December

Lezingenreeks 'Zorgen voor morgen'

Met de dood krijgen we allemaal vroeg of laat te maken. Vaak gaan gesprekken in de nasleep van de dood over rouw en zorg voor de nabestaanden. Maar wat gebeurt er eigenlijk met het dode lichaam? Hedendaagse maatschappelijke uitdagingen zoals pandemieën, de klimaatcrisis, of multiculturaliteit maken duidelijk dat we ook de zorg voor de doden moeten herdenken. Wat zijn de ethische overwegingen bij ecologische begraafmethodes, bijvoorbeeld? En wat moet een overheid doen wanneer religieuze overwegingen botsen met medische maatregelen bij het organiseren van een uitvaart? Wat voor statuut heeft het dode lichaam, en wat houdt het in om respectvol met menselijke resten om te gaan?  

In een vierdelige lezingenreeks nodigen we het brede publiek uit om met onderzoekers in gesprek te gaan over deze uitdagingen. Deelname is gratis. 

  • 19/02/2024: Omgaan met menselijke resten, met Maarten Larmuseau, Noortje Jacobs, en Tamara Ingels
  • 18/03/2024: Death care in times of crisis, with Halina Suwalowska, Joanna Wojtkowiak, and Sarah Ouwerkerk
  • 15/04/2024: Interculturele rituelen en dodenzorg, met Yvon van der Pijl en Chaima Ahaddour
  • 27/05/2024: De groene dood, met Lisa Doeland, Brenda Mathijssen, en Evy Kempenaers

locatie: R007, van 19u30-21u, nadien volgt een drankje.

Meer informatie: 

CFA 'More than Human: Non-Western Philosophies and the Environment' (14-15 May 2024)

COMPOST Collective invites abstract submissions for presentations at the More-than-Human: Non-Western Philosophies and the Environment conference.

Western philosophy has left a long-standing legacy of focusing on humans, albeit they share the planet with all sorts of creatures, visible or invisible, vegetal or animal. While all these organisms have been deemed of little significance in the Western tradition, their importance and role in shaping ecosystems and environments, as well as in influencing climate, geography, and health, are increasingly recognized. While the idea that “all species live in a state of relation with others” may appear new to some, the idea that humans cannot be separated from their environment, from ‘nature,’ is self-evident in various Eastern and indigenous cultures.

With this conference, we want to bring together the variety of strands that have been overshadowed by Western philosophy. We welcome abstract submissions and presentations on any topic related to non-Western philosophies and the environment broadly construed.

Keynote speakers confirmed:

Dr. Eiko Honda and Dr. Meera Baindur

The conference will also feature a special evening presentation given by Vandana Shiva.

Important dates:

  • Submission deadline: February 18, 2024 
  • Notification of acceptance/rejection: February 26, 2024
  • Date of conference: 14-15th of May, 2024


Paper topics may include, but are not exhausted by:

  • Non-Western bio- and environmental ethics
  • Indigenous views on pollution and other environmental issues
  • Buen Vivir , Tzu-jan, hozho and others
  • Comparison/analysis between non-Western and Western theories
  • Relationship between science and philosophy (from non-Western perspectives)
  • Application of Non-dualism in science and environment
  • Relationships between humans and nature (animals, plants, the environment, etc.)

Abstracts from scholars from within and outside of philosophy are welcome as long as they engage such philosophical issues. We hope to bring together scholars from a variety of fields, such as philosophy, sustainability sciences, social sciences, environmental humanities, and biology, to present their work and discuss environmental issues from non-western philosophical perspectives. We particularly welcome researchers coming from non-western countries.

Please send your abstract (300-500 words) via email to    

Abstracts should be suitable for a 15-20-minute presentation followed by discussions and Q&A.

ZIJDENKERS: De blik van vrouwelijke filosofen op de wereld van nu. Kristien Hens op KLARA

Op dinsdag 29 maart was bio-ethica Kristien Hens te gast bij Greet Van Thienen in het programma Zijdenkers. Ze hadden het over de vraag 'Hoe te leven op een beschadigde planeet?' Kristien Hens vertelt hoe zij samen met andere hedendaagse filosofen over deze vraag nadenkt. Dit altijd met de voeten in de modder van de realiteit, want filosofie van nu heeft iets van loodgieterij: het onthult verborgen structuren en gaat uit van de rommeligheid van het leven. De mens is verweven met andere biologische organismes (zwammen, bacteriën, bomen, niet-menselijke dieren) en net die toevallige ontmoetingen scheppen kansen voor een mogelijke toekomst.

Herbeluister de aflevering hier

Show Me the Science: Crip Camp: a disability revolution

Dinsdag 22 maart om 19.45 u wordt de documentaire 'Crip Camp' van Nicole Newnham en James LeBrecht vertoond. Deze vertoning is gratis. Het gaat over een revolutionair zomerkamp, 'Camp Jened', dat een groep tieners met een beperking inspireert om voor hun rechten op te komen en om een beweging op te richten. Een belangrijk stuk geschiedenis in de rechten van de mens. Na de film is er een nabespreking met cultuurwetenschapper Leni Van Goidsenhoven en psychiater Winny Ang. 

 Praktische info: 

Waar? Universiteit Antwerpen, R.004, Rodestraat 142000 Antwerpen 

Wanneer? dinsdag 22 maart 19.45-23.00 


Meer info:

Podcast "Conversations about Arts, Humanities and Health"

Dieter Declercq (Kent) maakt samen met collega Ian Sabroe (Sheffield) een (Engelstalige) podcast rond kunst, gezondheid en geesteswetenschappen. De podcast telt reeds 11 afleveringen en kan je hier beluisteren. 

This podcast is part of the project 'Conversations about Arts, Humanities and Health', a series of free online events where scholars, health professionals, and the public discuss how arts and humanities can inform healthcare. Hosted by the University of Kent and with the support of the Winston Churchill Memorial Trust, these conversations seek to develop meaningful dialogue and connection between humanities and medicine. Each one of these events will form the basis of an episode of the podcast.​

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