Artikels in wetenschappelijke tijdschiften: online advertising

Krouwer, S., & Poels, K. (2017). Article or ad? Readers’ recognition and evaluations of native advertisements on online news websites. In V. Zabkar & M. Eisend (Eds.), Advances in Advertising Research VIII: Challenges in an Age of Dis-Engagement (pp. 17-30). Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden.

Krouwer, S., Poels, K., & Paulussen, S. (2017). To disguise or to disclose? The influence of disclosure recognition and brand presence on readers’ responses towards native advertisements in online news media. Journal of Interactive Advertising, 18.

Meeus, W., T’Sas, J., Van Ouytsel, J., & Driesen, A. (2016). Kritisch mediaonderwijs: Een gat in de markt. Pedagogiek: wetenschappelijk forum voor opvoeding, onderwijs en vorming, 36(1), 91-102.

Meeus, W., Van Ouytsel, J., Driesen, A., & T'Sas, J. (2014). Media Didactica : a media literacy reference framework for learners, teachers and teacher educators. MerzWissenschaft, 58(6), 41-49.

Ngqangashe, Y., De Backer, C.J.S., Hudders, L. Hermans, N., Vandebosch, H. Smits, T.(2018). An experimental investigation of the effect of TV cooking show consumption on children's food choice behaviorInternational Journal of Consumer studies, 43(4), 402-408.

Ngqangashe, Y., De Backer, C.J.S., Matthys, C., Hermans, N. (2018) Investigating the nutrient content of food prepared in popular children’s TV cooking shows.  British Food Journal, 120(9), 2102-2115.

Van den Broeck, E., Poels, K., & Walrave, M. (2015). Older and Wiser? Facebook Use, Privacy Concern, and Privacy Protection in the Life Stages of Emerging, Young, and Middle Adulthood. Social Media + Society, 1(2), 1–11. 

Van den Broeck, E., Poels, K., & Walrave, M. (2017). A Factorial Survey Study on the Influence of Advertising Place and the Use of Personal Data on User Acceptance of Facebook Ads. American Behavioral Scientist, 61(7), 653–671.

Van den Broeck, E., Poels, K., & Walrave, M. (2018). An experimental study on the effect of ad placement, product involvement and motives on Facebook ad avoidance. Telematics and Informatics, 35(2), 470–479.

Van den Broeck, E., Poels, K., & Walrave, M. (2017). A factorial survey study on the influence of advertising place and the use of personal data on user acceptance of Facebook ads. American Behavioral Scientist, 61(7), 653-671.

Van Ouytsel, J., Meeus, W., Walrave, M., & Driesen, A. (2014). Kinderen en jongeren kritisch leren omgaan met reclame: het aanbod en de kwaliteit van reclameopvoedingspakketten. Pedagogiek: wetenschappelijk forum voor opvoeding, onderwijs en vorming, 34(2), 123-149.

Vanwesenbeeck, I., Walrave, M. & Ponnet, K. (2016). Children and advergames : the role of product involvement, prior brand attitude, persuasion knowledge and game attitude in purchase intentions and changing attitudes. International Journal of Advertising, 1-22. 

Vanwesenbeeck, I., Ponnet, K., & Walrave, M. (2016). Go with the flow : how children's persuasion knowledge is associated with their state of flow and emotions during advergame play. Journal of Consumer Behaviour, 15(1), 38-47.

Vanwesenbeeck, I., Walrave, M. & Ponnet, K. (2016). Reclamewijsheid van Vlaamse jongeren in een sociaalnetwerkgame : vergelijkende studie tussen billboardreclame en productgebruik. Kind en Adolescent : Tijdschrift voor pedagogiek, psychiatrie en psychologie, 37(1), 38-57 

Vanwesenbeeck, I., Walrave, M. & Ponnet, K. (2016). Young adolescents and advertising on social network games : a structural equation model of perceived parental media mediation, advertising literacy, and behavioral intention. The Journal of Advertising, 45(2), 183-197.

Vanwesenbeeck, I., Ponnet, K., & Walrave, M. (2016). Young adolescents' advertising literacy and purchase intention in social network games : influence of perspective taking and need for cognition. Journal of Consumer Behaviour, early view.

Vanwesenbeeck, I., Walrave, M. & Ponnet, K. (2016). Jongeren en reclame in sociaalnetwerkgames: de invloed van ouders en school op reclamewijsheid en gedragsintenties. Tijdschrift voor communicatiewetenschap,  43(4), 392-415.

Walrave, M., Van Ouytsel, J., Zarouali, B., Ponnet, K., & Poels, K. (2015). Reclamewijsheid 2.0: Hoe kinderen en jongeren omgaan met sociale media marketing. In Sociale media anno 2015 : actuele juridische aspecten, Lievens, E. et al. (edit.), Antwerpen: Intersentia, 63-89 (meer info bij de auteurs).

Walrave, M., Heirman, W. (2013). Adolescents, online marketing and privacy: predicting adolescents' willingness to disclose pesonal information for marketing purposes. Children and Society, 27, 434-447.

Zarouali, B., Walrave, M., Poels, K., & Vanwesenbeeck, I. (2016). Online reclamewijsheid bij kinderen : herkennen en begrijpen van reclamebanners en de rol van need for cognition en reclamewijsheidslessen.  Tijdschrift voor Communicatiewetenschap, 44(1), 24-45.


Artikels in wetenschappelijke tijdschiften: crisiscommunicatie

Marynissen, H., Ladkin, D., Denyer, D., Snoeijers, E., & Van Achte, T. (2013). The role of individual risk perception in an organization managing high risks. In 3rd International Conference on Engaged Management Scholarship.

Snoeijers, E. M., Poels, K., & Nicolay, C. (2014). # universitycrisis: the impact of social media type, source, and information on student responses toward a university crisis. Social Science Computer Review, 32(5), 647-661.

Snoeijers, E. M., & Poels, K. (2018). Factors that influence organisational crisis perception from an internal stakeholder’s point of view. Public Relations Review, 44(1), 65-74.

Snoeijers, M. (2018). Organisational crisis communication and crisis perception: human factors and opportunities to strategise (Doctoral dissertation, University of Antwerp).