Het 62e jaarlijkse congres van de International Communication Association werd georganiseerd in London, UK (17-21 juni, 2013). De volgende onderzoeken van MIOS-onderzoekers werden gepresenteerd op het congres:

How Product Representation Shapes Virtual Experiences and Repatronage Intention

by Suzanne Overmars, Karolien Poels

Under pressure to sext? Applying the Theory of Planned Behaviour on Adolescents’ Sexting

by Michel Walrave, Wannes Heirman

Predicting Adolescents’ Disclosure of Personal Information in Exchange for Commercial Incentives: An Application of an Extended Theory of Planned Behavior

by Michel Walrave, Wannes Heirman, Koen Ponnet

Bystanders of Cyberbullying: Personal Characteristics and Contextual Factors That Determine 'Helping','Joining In', and 'Doing Nothing'

by Katrien Van Cleemput, Sara Pabian, Heidi Vandebosch

Determinants of Bystander Behaviour in Cyberbullying Incidents Amongst Adolescents

by Sara Bastiaensens, Katrien Van Cleemput, Karolien Poels, Heidi Vandebosch (UAntwerp); Ann DeSmet, Ilse De Bourdeaudhuij (UGhent).

Who Bullies Who Online: A Social Network Analysis of Cyberbullying in a School Context

by Denis Wegge, Heidi Vandebosch (UAntwerp); Steven Eggermont (KULeuven)

Modeling Proximal Determinants of Cyberbullying Perpetration

by Sara Pabian, Heidi Vandebosch

Voor meer informatie over de studies, neem contact op met de onderzoekers in kwestie