Groepslezingen vorige semesters
Groepslezingen lentesemester 2016:
26/2: Daniele De Bernardis - "Hole burning instability in polaron superfluids"
4/3: Jacques Tempere - "The canonical ground state in the deep BCS limit"
11/3: Sergei Klimin, "Superconductivity in Strontium Titanate"
18/3: Giovanni Lombardi, "Solitons in Fermi superfluids"
25/3: Nick Verhelst, "Vortex core structure in the BEC-BCS crossover"
15/4: Wim Casteels, "driven-dissipative polariton systems"
29/4: Selma Koghee, "the dynamical Casimir effect in polariton fluids"
6/5: Mathias Van Regemortel, "density-density fluctuations in non-equilbrium fluids"