Working Papers
Business Economics Working Papers 1998
1998/008 (268)
WITLOX, Frank: "Fuzzy decision tables and membership value measurement"
JEL Classifications: -
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1998/007 (267)
CAMPO, Katia, Els GIJSBRECHTS & Patricia NISOL: "Towards a comprehensive frameworkd of out-of-stock behavior: The impact of product, consumer, and situation characteristics on out-of-stock reactions"
JEL Classifications: -
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1998/006 (266)
DURINCK, Eduard, Eddy LAVEREN & Nadine LYBAERT: "De financieringskeuze van snelgroeiende Belgische industriele KMO's"
JEL Classifications: -
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1998/005 (265)
CLAESSENS, Evrard, Ines BLOEMEN & Carlos OCAMPO Y VILAS: "Defensive and offensive FDI in value-chain logistics: Evidence from E.U. imports from East & South East Asia"
JEL Classifications: -
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1998/004 (264)
BETHUYNE, Gerrit: "The timing of replacement investments under technological progress and the implications of a finite planning horizon"
JEL Classifications: -
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1998/003 (263)
DE CEUSTER, Marc J. K., Edward DURINCK, Eddy LAVEREN & Jozef LODEWYCKX: "A survey into the use of derivatives by large non-financial firms operating in Belgium"
JEL Classifications: G20, G28, M40
Keywords: Derivatives, Risk management, Hedging
1998/002 (262)
CAMPO, Katia, Els GIJSBRECHTS & Fabienne GUERRA: "Computer simulated shopping experiments for analyzing dynamic purchasing patterns: Validation and guidelines"
JEL Classifications: -
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1998/001 (261)
VAN WAES, Luuk & Peter Jan SCHELLENS: "Writing profiles: The effect of the word processor on pausing and revision patterns"
JEL Classifications: -
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Business Economics Working Papers 1997
1997/019 (244)
DE CEUSTER, Marc, Eduard DURINCK, Eddy LAVEREN & Jozef LODEWYCKX: "Een overzicht van exotische opties"
JEL Classifications: -
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1997/017 (260)
VAN DE WIELE, Patricia: "Determinants of analyst ratings of information disclosure in the annual report of Belgian companies"
JEL Classifications: M41
Keywords: Annual report, Disclosure
1997/016 (259)
ENGELEN, Peter-Jan: "Corporate governance in België: Een tour d'horizon"
JEL Classifications: -
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1997/015 (258)
BETHUYNE, Gerrit: "Optimal steady-state replacement policy in an environment of multiple parallel machines with variable intensity of utilization"
JEL Classifications: -
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1997/014 (257)
DURINCK, Eduard, Eddy LAVEREN & Nadine LYBAERT: "The impact of sales growth above a sustainable level on the financing choice of Belgian industrial SMEs"
JEL Classifications: -
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1997/013 (256)
LAMBRECHT, Marc R., Philip L. IVENS & Nico J. VANDAELE: "ACLIPS: A capacity and lead time integrated procedure for scheduling"
JEL Classifications: -
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1997/012 (255)
VAN WATERSCHOOT, Walter & Patrick VAN KENHOVE: "Belgium's post-war retail history"
JEL Classifications: -
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1997/011 (254)
VAN GREMBERGEN, Wim & Dirk TIMMERMAN: "Monitoring the IT process through the balanced score card"
JEL Classifications: -
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1997/010 (253)
VAN DE WIELE, Patricia & Hylke VANDENBUSSCHE: "Voluntary disclosure of turnover for SME's"
JEL Classifications: K29, M41
Keywords: Voluntary disclosure, SME, Turnover, Entry game
1997/009 (252)
JORISSEN, Ann, Eddy LAVEREN & Sabine DEVINCK: "Planning and control: Necessary tools for success in small and medium-sized enterprises? - Empirical results of survey and case research on SMEs in Belgium"
JEL Classifications: -
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1997/008 (251)
VANDENBROUCKE, Jürgen: "General trigger values of optimal investment"
JEL Classifications: D80, G13, G31, L10
Keywords: Investment, Value of waiting, Opportunity cost
1997/007 (250)
BLOEMEN, Ines: "Fuzzy project scheduling: A solution to the shortcomings of the traditional scheduling techniques?"
JEL Classifications: -
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1997/006 (249)
LAVEREN, Eddy, Eduard DURINCK, Marc DE CEUSTER & Nadine LYBAERT: "Can accounting variables explain any beta? The empirical association between various betas and nine accounting variables in Belgian listed firms"
JEL Classifications: -
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1997/005 (248)
VAN GREMBERGEN, Wim: "Het meten en verbeteren van de bedrijfsinformatica met de balanced score card techniek"
JEL Classifications: -
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1997/004 (247)
ENGELEN, Peter-Jan: "In defence of insider trading"
JEL Classifications: G14, K42
Keywords: Insider trading, Regulation, Enforcement of law
1997/003 (246)
CLAESSENS, Evrard & Annemie COOLS: "Transitional market-performance of Croatia & Slovenia in the European Union, a market-concentration study"
JEL Classifications: -
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1997/002 (245)
MARTENS, Rudy, Koen VANDENBEMPT & Ilse BOGAERT: "The limits of the resource-based view on strategy and beyond: Causality thinking versus action perspective"
JEL Classifications: -
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Business Economics Working Papers 1996
1996/018 (243)
LAVEREN, Eddy, Eduard DURINCK, Marc DE CEUSTER & Nadine LYBAERT: "Beta estimation and unlevering. Calculating betas for belgian listed firms"
JEL Classifications: -
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1996/017 (242)
VAN BROEKHOVEN, Emiel: "Risico en return in de Belgische kapitaalmarkt 1966-1995: Een inleiding"
JEL Classifications: -
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1996/016 (241)
ENGELEN, Peter-Jan: "De kwalificatie van de zichtrekeningovereenkomst en de problematiek van de schuldvergelijking: Een stand van zaken"
JEL Classifications: -
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1996/015 (240)
BETHUYNE, Gerrit: "Optimal replacement under variable intensity of utilization and technological progress"
JEL Classifications: -
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1996/014 (239)
NONNEMAN, Walter & Emiel VAN BROEKHOVEN: "Network pricing in electricity"
JEL Classifications: -
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1996/013 (238)
DUPONT, Patrick: "The internal market, a regional commercial power in a globalising world"
JEL Classifications: -
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1996/012 (237)
VAN DE WIELE, Patricia & Carl REYNS: "De boekhouding en de jaarrekening volgens het verkort schema als informatie-instrument bij het financieel beleid in de middelgrote onderneming"
JEL Classifications: -
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1996/011 (236)
VAN DE WIELE, Patricia & Carl REYNS: "De boekhouding als informatie-instrument bij het financieel beleid in kleine ondernemingen die een vereenvoudigde boekhouding voeren"
JEL Classifications: -
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1996/010 (235)
ENGELEN, Peter-Jan: "Het nieuwe institutionele kader van de secundaire markten in België"
JEL Classifications: -
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1996/009 (234)
DURINCK, Edward, Eddy LAVEREN, Cynthia VAN HULLE & Jürgen VANDENBROUCKE: "Financieringsgedrag in Belgische ondernemingen: "Pecking order" versus "Target adjustment" model"
JEL Classifications: -
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1996/007 (233)
MARTENS, Rudy, Paul MATTHYSSENS, Ilse BOGAERT & Koen VANDENBEMPT: "Content analysis of mission statements in Belgian organizations"
JEL Classifications: -
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1996/006 (232)
CLAESSENS, Evrard & Annemie COOLS: "Tendencies and idiosyncrasies of European trading partners"
JEL Classifications: -
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1996/005 (231)
CASSIMON, Danny & Jürgen VANDENBROUCKE: "Valuing the timing flexibility in real options"
JEL Classifications: -
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1996/004 (230)
LOGMAN, Marc: "Information needs in a rapidly changing consumer environment: A survey among PC users"
JEL Classifications: -
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1996/003 (229)
CAMPO, Katia & Els GIJSBRECHTS: "Assessing the importance of contemporaneous and temporal variation in purchasing behavior: A multiple purchase model"
JEL Classifications: -
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1996/002 (228)
VAN GREMBERGEN, Wim: "Kernpunten in de bedrijfsinformatica: Een verklaring voor managers"
JEL Classifications: -
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1996/001 (227)
LORIMIER, Sabine: "Estimation of the forward rate curve by means of methods using higher order degrees of smoothness: A proof of convergence"
JEL Classifications: -
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Business Economics Working Papers 1995
1995/023 (226)
MATTHYSSENS, Paul & Koen VANDENBEMPT: "Evaluatie van concurrentiestrategie: Een industrieel, dynamisch perspectief"
JEL Classifications: -
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1995/022 (225)
LAVEREN, Eddy, Eddy DURINCK & Jürgen VANDENBROUCKE: "Financieringskeuze en financieringshiërarchie: Resultaten van een empirisch onderzoek in Belgische ondernemingen"
JEL Classifications: -
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1995/021 (224)
VEUGELERS, Reinhilde, Cynthia VAN HULLE, Eddy DURINCK & Eddy LAVEREN: "An empirical analysis of strategic price setting in the Belgian leasing market"
JEL Classifications: -
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1995/020 (223)
DURINCK, Edward, Eddy LAVEREN, Jürgen VANDENBROUCKE & Peter BONTINCK: "Determinanten van de kapitaalstructuur: Een overzicht van theorie en empirie sinds Modigliani en Miller"
JEL Classifications: -
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1995/019 (222)
VAN GREMBERGEN, Wim & Daniël VLOEBERGHS: "Business process reengineering: Een holistische benadering van processen, strategieën, structuren, mensen en informatietechnologieën"
JEL Classifications: -
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1995/018 (221)
BELLENS, Jan & Daniël VLOEBERGHS: "Kwaliteit van de arbeid. De operationele benadering: Meetinstrumentaria en het opmaken van een self-audit"
JEL Classifications: -
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1995/017 (220)
BELLENS, Jan & Daniël VLOEBERGHS: "Kwaliteit van de arbeid. Een overzicht van theoretische achtergronden en stromingen"
JEL Classifications: -
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1995/016 (219)
VAN DE WIELE, Patricia & Carl REYNS: "De invloed van keuzemogelijkheden bij het opstellen van de jaarrekening op het resultaat van falingspredictiemodellen: Een case-study"
JEL Classifications: -
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1995/015 (218)
VAN WATERSCHOOT, Walter: "A systematic study of the Howard & Sheth typology's citations in marketing textbooks"
JEL Classifications: -
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1995/014 (217)
DE CEUSTER, Marc, Geert DHAENE & Tom SCHATTEMAN: "On the hypothesis of psychological barriers in stock markets and Benford's law: An application to the Dow Jones industrial average"
JEL Classifications: -
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1995/013 (216)
GOESSENS, Walter: "An average-case analysis of the next-fit binpacking-algorithm using Markov-chains"
JEL Classifications: -
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1995/012 (215)
GOESSENS, Walter: "An analysis of the next-fit binpacking-algorithm: Case: Discrete uniformly distributed items"
JEL Classifications: -
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1995/011 (214)
VAN GREMBERGEN, Wim: "Business reengineering met informatietechnologie: Reengineering van de systeemplanning?"
JEL Classifications: -
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1995/010 (213)
GOESSENS, Walter: "An analysis of the next-fit binpacking-algorithm: Case: Gamma-distributed items"
JEL Classifications: -
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1995/009 (212)
GOESSENS, Walter: "Average case analysis of the performance of a modified next-fit binpacking-algorithm"
JEL Classifications: -
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1995/008 (211)
GIJSBRECHTS, Els, Gilbert SWINNEN & Walter VAN WATERSCHOOT: "Belgium's consumer goods marketing in the perspective of the European Union: An interpretation"
JEL Classifications: -
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1995/007 (210)
JORISSEN, Ann & Luc MAES: "The relationship between financial reporting and taxation in Belgium: An analysis of the 20th century"
JEL Classifications: -
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Business Economics Working Papers 1994
1994/010 (209)
LORIMIER, Sabine: "Adjusted methods to estimate the term structure in a continuous framework"
JEL Classifications: -
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1994/009 (208)
VERLINDEN, Marc, Leo PEETERS & Wim VAN DRIESSEN: "The integration and compatibility of sponsorship practice with corporate and marketing communication strategy cases"
JEL Classifications: -
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1994/008 (207)
GOESSENS, Walter: "An analysis of the first-fit binpacking-algorithm: Case: Continuous uniformly distributed items"
JEL Classifications: -
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1994/007 (206)
GOESSENS, Walter: "An analysis of the first-fit binpacking-algorithm: Case: Erlang (1) distributed items"
JEL Classifications: -
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1994/006 (205)
DURINCK, Edward & Eddy LAVEREN: "The financial evaluation of capital projects in Belgian firms"
JEL Classifications: -
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1994/005 (204)
DE CEUSTER, Marc & Bart DIELS: "The pricing of Belgian OLOs: Bootstrapped spot rates versus strips"
JEL Classifications: -
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1994/004 (203)
LORIMIER, Sabine: "A nonparametric method to estimate the term structure in a continuous framework"
JEL Classifications: -
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1994/003 (202)
VAN WOUWE, Martine & Sabine LIRMIER: "A multiple life description with independent discrete future lifetimes"
JEL Classifications: -
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1994/002 (201)
LORIMIER, Sabine: "A sensitivity analysis of an estimation method of the forward rate or the Yield curve"
JEL Classifications: -
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1994/001 (200)
VAN WATERSCHOOT, Walter: "Some observations about the three-dimensional nature of the Howard & Sheth typology's citations"
JEL Classifications: -
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