Sociale Wetenschappen

Using Standardized Diaries for Researching Informal Learning in the Workplace

FSW Lecture by prof. Andreas Rausch (University of Mannheim) 27/06/2024

About the lecture

Many of the processes and outcomes of informal workplace learning remain almost unnoticed by the learner, which makes it difficult to empirically investigate informal workplace learning using retrospective self-reports. Intensive longitudinal methods allow for a data collection in situ, that means during or close to the actual processes. One such approach is the diary method, more rarely also referred to as working journals or learning logs. The presentation provides a brief introduction to the diary method and an overview of typical research questions, diary parameters, and item formats. Furthermore, several diary studies are briefly presented as a starting point for further discussion. 

About the speaker

Dr. Andreas Rausch is a full professor of Economic and Business Education at the Business School at the University of Mannheim since 2017. The chair of Economic and Business Education, Workplace Learning is part of the Area Economic and Business Education of the Faculty of Business Administration. Andreas's current research interests include workplace learning, simulation-based learning, competence assessment, evaluation of vocational education and training (VET) and further education, domain-specific problem solving and the role of non-cognitive factors. Andreas is committed to empirical educational research with a focus on process analysis, for instance by using research diaries or logfile analysis. Andreas was trained as a bank clerk (VET) before he studied Business Education. He received his PhD (Dr. rer. pol.) in Business Education at the University of Bamberg based on a dissertation thesis on workplace learning. He also qualified as a professor at the University of Bamberg with a paper-based habilitation thesis on non-cognitive facets of problem-solving competence. Andreas's research is published in international journals and he also serves as editorial board member and reviewer for several journals in the field.

Practical information

When? Thursday 27 June 2024, 13:30 - 14:30

Where? Stadscampus, de Meerminne (Building M), aula S.M.102

Participation is free, but online registration is mandatory.