Sociale Wetenschappen

Engagement Awards

As social scientists we are engaged in a wide range of activities. Several of the activities receive a lot of recognition and help our careers while many others are not ‘counted’ or less valued. For most research output this is clear: conference papers can get a best paper award, a successful research proposal gets funded and for journal articles we can ‘count’ citations. Popular professors and assistants get a Gobelijntje for great teaching. But what with all our other efforts to have an impact on the world, our colleagues, and the organization we work in? Therefore, there are now the new Engagement with Impact (but no factor) Awards.

We want to recognize and acknowledge the following three type of activities or people; please nominate one or multiple colleagues (ATP, BAP, ZAP, AAP) for one of the following categories and briefly say why::

  •  Science communication Award: This awards honours people that practice a form of research popularization. How to bring research to a broader audience? (e.g. involved in Day of Science, organizing special events to communicate to a broader audience, making a relevant podcast, Giving lectures across the country, …)
  • Service to the community Award: doing something for other people in society or in our organization (yearlong engagement for …, organizing the X-mas party, active in civil society, organizing protest for a better world, or doing something not really visible but valuable, …).
  • Most valuable colleague Award: making our faculty or the work life of others better (looking after colleagues in trouble, being an ‘extra’ nice colleague because …, always buying the best birthday gifts, ...)

Nominations can go to...

  • One or multiple people of FSW (or members that recently left)
  • Related to activities of the past year (since this is the first, it can also be about 2023)
  • You can be nominated every year, multiple times, but win only once

Everyone can nominate (multiple) colleagues (including self-nominations). You are encouraged to add ‘evidence’ to support your nomination. This can be anything: nice pictures, quotes or anecdotes are welcome!.

The jury of the awards consists of the FSW Board (Sven, Peter², Heidi, Koen, Catherine). The actual award is symbolic, but the recognition is for ever 😊