Plastics in Modern Movement Interiors
Plastics in Modern Movement Interiors Conservation and (re-)design of plastic Finishes, Furniture and Products

DOCOMOMO ISC/Interior Seminar
5-9 March 2018
The built environment, architecture and its interiors and consumer products have gone through different periods in history which had often been dominated by specific materials and their production and construction requirements. The 20th century built environment has been widely influenced by the use of plastic - in specific in interiors and even more for our daily consumer products. Conference, excursion and workshops aim to raise the sensibility of young researchers and designers and of restoration and heritage professionals towards the use, conservation and recycling of plastic in the context of circular economy approaches. The program will provide a theoretical and historical and as well as practical input in an interdisciplinary context.
Through its International Specialist Committee on Interior (ISC/I), the International Working party for the Documentation and Conservation of buildings, sites and neighbourhoods of the Modern Movement DOCOMOMO therefore takes the initiative to bring together knowledge and expertise in a combined effort to address the conservation and repair of plastic interiors, finishings and objects in modern architectural heritage and to show design potentials and future developments of the material.
A one day international seminar focusing on the interiors and interior applications such as finishings and objects will take place on Monday March, 5th, 2018, at the Faculty of Design Sciences at UAntwerp, Belgium. The programme will feature amongst others architectural historians, interior and heritage specialists, designers, material scientists, art conservators, consultants and practitioners. It will offer discussion and networking.
A one day excursion to various relevant sites is scheduled for Tuesday March 6th, 2018 will take us to Brussels.
A three day workshop for PhD, Master and Bachelor is open and free for students who attended the seminar and excursion.
Students will receive a certificate of participation.
Monday 5 March
UAntwerp, Faculty of Design Sciences
Mutsaardstraat 31, 2000 Antwerp
aula K1.6 (Dieperik)
08.45 |
Registration |
09.00 |
Opening Adresses Nathalie VALLET, Vice-Dean Faculty of Design Sciencies, UAntwerp |
09.05 |
Word of welcome Zsuzsanna BÖRÖCZ, Co-Chair DOCOMOMO ISC/Interior |
Plastic History |
09.15 |
Synthetic Building Components Wessel DE JONGE, TU Delft, Heritage & Architecture |
10.00 |
The “Plasticarium”: Collecting Design History Arnaud BOZZINI, ADAM, Brussels |
10.45 |
Plastic Goods in Postwar Belgium Nina SERULUS, VAI, Antwerp, KU Leuven |
11.15 |
Coffee break |
Plastic Heritage |
Session chair: Marieke JAENEN, UAntwerp, ICOMOS Belgium |
11.45 |
Plastic Finishes in Interiors Nick SERNEELS, UAntwerp |
12.15 |
Conservation Approaches of Plastics in Interiors Griet KOCKELKOREN, KIK-IRPA, Brussels - Friederike Wäntig, TH Cologne |
12.45 |
Lunch break |
Plastic Design |
Session chair: Wessel DE JONGE, TU Delft / DOCOMOMO Netherlands and International |
14.00 |
Design with Plastics in a Circular Economy Karine VAN DOORSSELAER, UAntwerp |
14.30 |
Recycling-Upcycling-Re-use: Melaminated Panels Michaël GHYOOT, ROTOR, Brussels |
15.00 |
Advanced Architectural Approaches with Plastic Alexandre DUBOR, IAAC, Barcelona |
15.30 |
Coffee break |
Plastic Future |
Session chair: Uta POTTGIESSER, UAntwerp, Docomomo Germany and International |
16.00 |
Next Generation Polymers: Innovating within the framework of sustainability Christos LECOU / Niklas MEINE, Covestro, Leverkusen / Antwerp |
16.30 |
Bioplastic polymers Steven SCHUITEMA, FKuR Polymers GmbH, Venlo |
17.00 |
Innovation in Heritage and Design in Times of Circular Economy Discussion |
17.30 |
Reception |
Tuesday 6 March
Excursion to Brussels
Bus departure to Brussels Location: Felix pakhuis, Oude Leeuwenrui 29, 2000 Antwerp |
11.00 |
ADAM, Brussels Address: Place de Belgique 1, 1020 Brussels |
13.30 |
Lunch break |
14.30 |
CDH Centre Démocrate Humaniste Address: Rue des Deux Eglises 41, 1000 Brussels |
ROTOR, Brussels Address: Rotor asbl/vzw, 58 rue Prévinaire straat, 1070 Brussels |
Wednesday 7 - Friday 9 March
UAntwerp, Faculty of Design Sciences,
Mutsaardstraat 31, 2000 Antwerp
Student Workshop Programme
In the 20th Century and especially after WWII many kind of plastics – elastics, thermoplastic and thermosets – have been developed most of them based on petroleum. Next to being a cultural witness of post-war culture the use of plastic has evolved from its specific properties such as low density that enables lightness and insulation and its modifiability that allows for meeting very specified requirements. Today, buzz words of the 21st Century like sustainability, recycling and life cycle assessment (LCA) and circular economy increase our awareness and concerns about how to deal with and treat existing materials and products. Bio-plastics produced with natural and recycled components offer alternatives for new designs and future environments.
Wednesday 7 March, 09.00-10.30 |
Introduction to Plastic (all students) |
How to recognize plastic? Karine VAN DOORSSELAER, UAntwerp |
Wednesday 7 March – Friday 9 March |
Upcycling Panels and Foams - Installations The workshop has two parts: day 1+2 lead by Rotor will make use of old acrylic panels (Trespa) and use them for upcycling purposes to design installations, furniture or other interventions to be placed and exhibited on campus. Time: Wed 11.00-18.00, Thu 09.00-18.00, Fri 09.00-13.00 |
Fri 9th Conservation & Restoration Day 3 will finish by showing conservation principles for different plastic surfaces. Time: Fri 14.00-18.00 Marieke VERBOVEN (C&R), UAntwerp |
Saturday 10 March
Exhibition at UAntwerp - Open Campus Day (09.00-17.00)
UAntwerp, Faculty of Design Sciences
Mutsaardstraat 31, 2000 Antwerp
Public Exhibition of the workshop results in the faculty buildings.
Registration info
Students can register for:
- The seminar on Monday 5 March (15 euro)
- The excursion on Tuesday 6 March (15 euro)
- The full week, with the choice of workshop 1 or workshop 2 (30 euro for the full week)
Professionals can register for:
- The seminar on Monday 5 March (30 euro)
- The excursion on Tuesday 6 March (30 euro)
- The full week, with the choice of workshop 1 or workshop 2 (90 euro for the full week)
About the workshop docents
Workshop docents: Session Plastic History
Wessel de JONGE
Partner // Wessel de Jonge Architects, Rotterdam
Professor // Heritage & Design at the Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment, TU Delft
Wessel de Jonge graduated in architecture from TU Delft, the Netherlands. As a partner in Wessel de Jonge Architects in Rotterdam, his portfolio includes the restorations of the Netherlands Pavilion at the Venice Biennale by Gerrit Rietveld of 1953 and of the former Sanatorium ‘Zonnestraal’ in Hilversum by Duiker & Bijvoet of 1926-31, as well as the rehabilitation of the Van Nelle Factory in Rotterdam by Brinkman & Van der Vlugt of 1926-30. Recent projects include the restoration and adaptive reuse of Aldo van Eyck’s 1960 Orphanage in Amsterdam. He is also a partner in the design team for the ongoing revitalisation of the 1938 Olympic Stadium in Helsinki. In 1990 Wessel de Jonge was the Founding Secretary of DOCOMOMO International, and in 1994 he started the DOCOMOMO International Specialist Committee on Technology. He has published extensively and lectured internationally on various aspects of Modern Movement heritage. Since 2015 he is full professor in Heritage & Design at the Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment at TU Delft.
Arnaud Bozzini
Exhibitions Director // ADAM [Brussels Design Museum]
Arnaud Bozzini (1979) has a PhD in Contemporary History. After working as Cultural Advisor for the City Council of Brussels, then as Senior Researcher at the Brussels Archives [Public History dpt.], Arnaud Bozzini joined the Atomium team in 2009 to set up and develop an ambitious and creative program of exhibitions with a new special focus on design, architecture and contemporary arts. The success and dynamics of the art center in the Atomium has led to the launching of a brand-new extension of the Atomium, the ADAM [Brussels Design Museum]. The ADAM is a new museum in Brussels [opened in December 2015] focused on design in the 20th century and today.
Katarina Serulus
Research Fellow // KU Leuven, Department of Architecture
Project Manager // Flanders Architecture Institute
Dr. Katarina Serulus studied art history and design cultures at the KU Leuven and the VU Amsterdam. In 2016 she defended her PhD thesis at the University of Antwerp entitled Design & Politics: The Public Promotion of Industrial Design in Postwar Belgium (1950-1986). Since 2017 Serulus works as project manager at the Flemish Architecture Institute. As a research fellow she is affiliated to the A2I research group at the KU Leuven Department of Architecture. Serulus also curated several design exhibitions. She was among others the curator of Panorama: A History of Modern Design in Belgium commissioned by ADAM Brussels Design Museum, and co-curator of Night Fever. Designing Club Culture 1960 – Today, a coproduction between the Vitra Design Museum and the ADAM Brussels Design Museum.
Workshop docents: Session Plastic Heritage
Nick Serneels
Master Student // Heritage Studies, University of Antwerp
Nick Serneels graduated in 2016 from the Vrije Universiteit Brussel as Architectural Engineer and decided to enrich himself by studying a complementary master in Heritage Studies. His master thesis for concluding Heritage studies focuses on research about the use of plastics in the interiors of buildings combining both his first degree with the knowledge provided by the classes in Heritage Studies.
During his education he performed two internships at Callebaut Architecten (summer 2015) and Origin Architecture and Engineering (summer 2017) which are both prominent restoration offices in Belgium. Both internships provided him a large variety of treated projects and a lot of practical experience.
Since February 2018 he has been working at Origin Architecture and Engineering on several projects and will start the architectural internship consisting out of 2 years soon at this same office.
Griet Kockelkoren
Head of the Conservation Studio of Historical and Contemporary Textiles, Costume and Accessories // Royal Institute for Cultural Heritage (KIK-IRPA)
Griet Kockelkoren is Master in conservation of historical textiles, specialized in active and preventive conservation and mounting of historical and contemporary garments, accessories and fashion. In the past she has worked as a collections manager and conservator-restorer in the Fashion Museum of the Province of Antwerp (MoMu) and in the Royal Museum of the Armed Forces and Military History in Brussels (KLM-MRA), where she was also responsible for preventive conservation. Whilst working in the Army Museum, she was assigned a position as lecturer at the conservation department of the Antwerp University College. This continued as she started working as a consultant for preventive conservation at FARO, the Flemish Interface Centre for Cultural Heritage. During her career she has given lectures about preventive conservation, conservation of textiles, plastics and art-handling.
In recent years, Griet has worked in the Royal Institute for Cultural Heritage in Brussels (KIKIRPA), first as part of the preventive conservation unit, since 2017 she is responsible for the Conservation Studio of Historical and Contemporary Textiles, Costume and Accessories.
Prof. Dr. phil. Friederike Wäntig
Head of Wooden Objects and Modern Materials // Cologne Institute of Conservation Sciences, University of Applied Sciences Cologne
Since 2003 Professor for the Conservation of Wooden Artifacts and Modern Materials at the University of Applied Sciences Cologne. Beside working as a freelance conservator, she was previously: Senior Conservator at the Art and Exhibition Hall, Bonn; Conservator at the Conservation Center Düsseldorf; Conservator at the Museum for Applied Art Cologne. She obtained her degree at the Otto-Friedrich-University of Bamberg majoring in Heritage Preservation, with minor studies in folklore and building history. Her Ph.D. thesis was entitled “Synthetic Materials in Art: research from the conservation point of view”. Her Master’s thesis in Heritage Preservation, Otto-Friedrich-University Bamberg, was “Technical and Industrial Monuments – Definition, History and Preservation” and her Master’s degree from the University of Applied Sciences Cologne, was on Conservation specialising in Wooden Artifacts. She spent a practical semester in East-Berlin (former GDR) at the Museum for Applied Art Berlin. Her focus in research is on the preservation of modern materials in art, design and architecture, specializing in the history and conservation of plastics. She has been teaching and lecturing at several Institutes and published on the conservation and history of plastics. Besides giving talks she is also consulting projects.
Workshop docents: Session Plastic Design
Karine Van Doorsselaer
Hoofddocent // Department of Product Development, University of Antwerp
Karine Van Doorsselaer is industrial engineer chemistry with specialty plastics. She has got a PhD Ecology in 1999 at the University of Brussels. For 4 years she worked in the polymerlab of Exxon Chemical Antwerp.
In 1990 she started her career at the Hogeschool Antwerpen, now University of Antwerp, at the Department of Product Development. She teaches the course ‘Material Sciences’ with a focus on the selection of materials and techniques of plastics, plastic composites and metals used as construction materials. For more than 25 years she has also been following the development of eco-design. Her experience and knowledge are brought together in a book ‘Ecodesign, ecologisch verantwoord industrieel ontwerpen’
Michaël Ghyoot
Project Manager // Rotor asbl, Brussels
Michaël Ghyoot graduated as an architect from La Cambre School of Architecture (ISACF) in 2009. He is a member of Rotor since 2008 where he mostly works on research projects, lectures, training programs and exhibition projects. In 2010, he became Fellow of the FRS-FNRS. In 2014, he obtained a PhD in architecture at the Université Libre de Bruxelles, where he is still part time lecturer nowadays. At Rotor, Michaël is currently working a.o. on two ERDF projects: “le bâti bruxellois, source de nouveaux matériaux”, a research effort aimed at implementing circularity practices in construction economy, and “Masui4ever”, a pilot-project for reuse practices as part of the refurbishment of Zinneke’s facilities. Recently, Michaël supervised the edition of the Rotor’s book Déconstruction et réemploi. Comment faire circuler les éléments de construction, published by the Presses polytechniques et universitaires romandes (PPUR).
Alexandre Dubor
Head of the Robotic and Advanced Construction Lab // Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia, Barcelona
Alexandre Dubor is an architect and researcher combining new technologies in an attempt to improve how we build and live in our cities. He holds a Master’s degree of Architecture & Engineering from EAVT & ENPC (France) and a Master Degree of Architecture from IAAC (Spain), with a specialization in robotic fabrication and large scale additive manufacturing (FabBot 3.0). He holds as well a French architectural license (HMONP) and have worked in various architectural office from competition stage to delivery (Libeskind, Atenastudio, iDonati, AREP) while exploring the potential of scripting and coding in a separate practice (Collectif277). Since 2012, he has been working at IAAC as expert in digital and robotic fabrication. He is now leading the Open Thesis Fabrication program as well as the Master in Robotic and Advanced Construction at IAAC. Together with IAAC staff, students and industrial partners, he is investigating how new advances in material, digital fabrication and computational design could lead to a better construction ecosystem, toward a more efficient, affordable, sustainable and personalized built environment.
Workshop docents: Session Plastic Future
Christos Lecou
Industrial Marketing Manager // Covestro Deutschland AG, Leverkusen
Christos Lecou is Industrial Marketing Manager at Covestro (Former Bayer MaterialScience). He studied Business Chemistry at HHU Düsseldorf, Germany and holds PhD degree from WWU Münster, Germany with his thesis “Promotion of ideas in the front end of innovation”.
He joined Covestro in 2012, since then he has held various positions within Corporate Development as well as Industrial Marketing.
Niklas Meine
Strategic Technology Manager // Covestro NV, Antwerpen
Niklas Meine is Strategic Technology Manager in the Business Unit Polycarbonates within Covestro. In 2012, he began his professional career at Bayer MaterialScience (now Covestro) in Leverkusen as Innovation Manager for sustainable chemistry. From 2014 to 2016, Meine was leading the global cross-BU team for bio-based materials. He was also Program Manager of the European Innovation Program "EnCO2re" (enabling CO2 re-use), a consortium focusing on CO2 conversion to polymers and chemical intermediates. Meine was active in various public committees including VCI (renewable resources), PlasticsEurope (bio-feedstock group) and contributed to the development of Biorizon, a cross-border initiative for the development of bio-based aromatics. In 2016 Meine relocated to Antwerp where he manages strategic projects for polycarbonate production technologies.
Niklas Meine was born 1982 in Duisburg and studied chemistry from 2002 to 2008 in Berlin, Granada and Cambridge. He then commenced his doctoral studies at the Max Planck Institut für Kohlenforschung in Mülheim an der Ruhr on the catalytic depolymerization of cellulose, which he completed in 2012.
Steven Schuitema
Technical Sales Manager // FKuR Polymers GmbH, Willich
Steven Schuitema has an MSc degree in Chemical Engineering and is active in the plastic industry for more than 20 years. Experienced in Marketing, Technical Sales (>10 years), Process- and Product Development, he has in-depth knowledge of (Bio-)plastic raw materials and (international) markets and is very familiar with Plastic and Rubber processing technologies. Currently, he is working for FKuR Polymers GmbH (D-Willich). His challenge is to combine sales, marketing and new BioBased-business development in a technical B2B environment.
Session Chairs / Organizers
Chair // DOCOMOMO ISC/Technology
Spokesperson of Henry van der Velde Research Group // University of Antwerp
Uta Pottgiesser is Professor of Interior Architecture at the Faculty of Design Sciences of the University of Antwerp (Belgium) since 2017 and member of the Henry van der Velde Research Group. From 2004-2017 she was Chair of Building Construction and Materials at the Detmold School of Architecture and Interior Architecture of OWL, University of Applied Sciences (Germany). In 2002 she obtained her PhD at TU Dresden on the topic “Multi-layered Glass Constructions. Energy and Construction” and holds a diploma in architecture from TU Berlin. Related to facades she is co-founder of the European Facade Network (efn) and member of the Management Committee of the COST Action TU1403 “Adaptive Facades Network”. Since 2016 she is Vice-Chair of DOCMOMO Germany ( and chair of the DOCOMOMO International Specialist Committee Technology (ISC/T). In 2014 she co-edited the publication on “Perceived Technologies of the Modern Movement 1919-1975”, linked to a ISC/T-Seminar. She is editor of the book “Product Development in Architecture” (2013), board member and reviewer of international journals and author of more than 50 peer reviewed publications (
Zsuzsanna BÖRÖCZ
Chair // DOCOMOMO ISC/Interior
Vice-President // DOCOMOMO Belgium // University of Antwerp // KU Leuven
Zsuzsanna Böröcz is a musicologist, and art and architectural historian. She obtained her PhD from the KU Leuven in 2004 with a comparative and contextual study on postwar stained-glass windows in Catholic churches. Since then, she has been teaching diverse subjects on art, design and architectural theory at the KU Leuven Faculty of Art and Faculty of Architecture, the Antwerp University College, the University of Antwerp Faculty of Design Sciences, and VU Amsterdam Faculty of Arts Design Cultures. She curated exhibitions in Belgium and collaborated on research projects such as on the illustrations of Belgian 19th century architecture historical publications, including early architectural and design photography, and the repertoire and research methodology of 20th century churches in Flanders. At the moment, she is affiliated as a researcher with the KU Leuven Department of Architecture (Research Group Architecture, Interiority and Inhabitation) and the University of Antwerp Faculty of Design Sciences (Research Group Henry van der Velde). She is Vice-President of Docomomo Belgium ( and co-founder and chair of the Docomomo International Scientific Committee on Interior Design ( She is also a jury member for the Flemish Ministry of Culture Decree on the Arts (Kunstendecreet). Her interest fields are interiors and design issues in the context of heritage conservation, craftsmanship and higher education in the 19th and 20th century.
Marieke JAENEN
PhD researcher and Teaching Assistant in the Master Heritage Science // University of Antwerp
Marieke Jaenen has a Master Art Science and Archaeology (VUB), a Master Conservation of Monuments and Sites (RLICC-KU Leuven) and a Master Culture Science (VUB). After her studies, she worked several years as a freelance building history researcher and as a part-time scientific researcher for the Faculty of Arts at KU Leuven and for the Faculty of Design Science at Artesis University College Antwerp. Between 2007 and 2013, she made as a freelance researcher seventy building history research projects on a professional level and on a wide diversity of building typologies in Flanders and Brussels. As art historian, cultural scientist, conservator and doctoral researcher, she has obtained an expertise in building history research and more specific in interior design history research between 1850 and 1940. Out of this context she had the opportunity to apply for a Fellowship by Society of Architectural Historians to have an exclusive visit at Maison de Verre in Paris and to take part of the international ICOMOS-conference and workshop on 20th century World Heritage in Chandigarh, India. For the moment, she is also involved in an Erasmus+ project to create a Master education on Reuse of Modernist Buildings – Design Tools for Sustainable Transformation in collaboration with Hochschule Ostwestfalen-Lippe, Germany; Coimbra University, Portugal; Technico Lisboa, Portugal; Istanbul Technical University, Turkey, and Docomomo International.
This seminar is following on a seminar of the building applications of synthetic materials in 20th Century historic buildings that was organized on October 23rd, 2017, at the Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment at TU Delft, the Netherlands, entitled ‘Plastics in Modern Movement Buildings. Conservation and (Re-)design of Synthetic Building Components’.
With the support of: