Scientific recommendations for a Belgian Sepsis National Action Plan (Be-SNAP)
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Cerebral perfusion imaging in the angiography suite : the use of flat detector CT cerebral pooled blood volume mapping
Antwerp, University of Antwerp, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, 2024,182 p.
Cavernous angioma of the cauda equina : a case report
Interdisciplinary neurosurgery : Advanced techniques and case management - ISSN 2214-7519-36 (2024) p. 1-6
Can angiographic Flat Detector Computed Tomography blood volume measurement be used to predict final infarct size in acute ischemic stroke?
European journal of radiology - ISSN 0720-048X-158 (2023) p. 1-11
Flat detector CT with cerebral pooled blood volume perfusion in the angiography suite : from diagnostics to treatment monitoring
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