The dwarf & pale leaf mutation reduces chloroplast numbers, resulting in sugar depletion that inhibits leaf growth of maize seedlings
Current Plant Biology - ISSN 2214-6628-40 (2024) p. 1-13
A preliminary indication that HLA-A*03:01 may be associated with visceral leishmaniasis development in people living with HIV in Ethiopia
PLoS neglected tropical diseases - ISSN 1935-2735-18:9 (2024) p. 1-17
Persistent T cell unresponsiveness associated with chronic visceral leishmaniasis in HIV-coinfected patients
Communications Biology - ISSN 2399-3642-7:1 (2024) p. 1-13
Malate production, sugar metabolism, and redox homeostasis in the leaf growth zone of Rye (Secale cereale) increase stress tolerance to aluminum stress : a biochemical and genome-wide transcriptional study
Journal of hazardous materials - ISSN 0304-3894-464 (2024) p. 1-14
Selective whole-genome sequencing of Plasmodium parasites directly from blood samples by nanopore adaptive sampling
mBio - ISSN 2150-7511-15:1 (2024) p. 1-15