Sorting out the heterogeneity in Panic Disorder : on the neurobiology of its subtypes and the comorbidity with tinnitus
Antwerpen, Universiteit Antwerpen & Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, 2024,140 p.
Temporal directionality between symptoms during treatment of depressed inpatients : a dynamic time warp network analysis
Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy - ISSN 1063-3995-31:5 (2024) p. 1-12
Recruitment issues in a multicenter randomized controlled trial about the effect of the Cultural Formulation Interview on therapeutic working alliance
Contemporary Clinical Trials Communications - ISSN 2451-8654-42 (2024) p. 1-3
Continuous theta burst stimulation for bipolar depression : a multicenter, double-blind randomized controlled study exploring treatment efficacy and predictive potential of kynurenine metabolites
Journal of affective disorders - ISSN 0165-0327-361 (2024) p. 693-701
Substance use in forensic assertive community treatment : development and implementation of a pilot project for internees in Belgium
International journal of forensic mental health - ISSN 1499-9013-23:4 (2024) p. 456-467