The use of miniaturised Bluetooth Low Energy proximity loggers to study contacts among small rodents in agricultural settings
PLoS ONE - ISSN 1932-6203-20:1 (2025) p. 1-14
Unravelling the seasonal dietary dynamics of the endangered garden dormouse (Eliomys quercinus) in Flanders, Belgium
Belgian journal of zoology - ISSN 0777-6276-154 (2024) p. 179-194
Antibodies against medically relevant arthropod-borne viruses in the ubiquitous African rodent Mastomys natalensis
PLoS neglected tropical diseases - ISSN 1935-2735-18:9 (2024) p. 1-21
Breeding density affects the movements of gull chicks, the size of their home ranges and their association with neighbours
Royal Society Open Science - ISSN 2054-5703-11:5 (2024) p. 1-12
Seasonal breeding in three sympatric rodent species in semi-arid Tigray, northern Ethiopia
Mammalia : morphologie, biologie, systématique des mammifères - ISSN 0025-1461-88:4 (2024) p. 299-310