Efficacy of intracameral mydriatics in pediatric lens surgery
Ophthalmic research - ISSN 0030-3747-67:1 (2024) p. 662-671
The complementarity of phosphatidylethanol in whole blood and ethyl glucuronide in hair as biomarkers for the monitoring of alcohol use
Drug testing and analysis - ISSN 1942-7603-16:4 (2024) p. 398-405
Hair as an alternative matrix to assess exposure of premature neonates to phthalate and alternative plasticizers in the neonatal intensive care unit
Environmental research - ISSN 0013-9351-236:part 2 (2023) p. 1-10
Effect of erythrophagocytosis-induced ferroptosis during angiogenesis in atherosclerotic plaques
Angiogenesis - ISSN 0969-6970-26:4 (2023) p. 505-522
Evaluating the impact of COVID-19 countermeasures on alcohol consumption through wastewater-based epidemiology : a case study in Belgium
Environment international - ISSN 0160-4120-170 (2022) p. 1-10