En RD Congo, les dessous de la mise en vente de blocs pétroliers
Afrique XXI- (2022.09.14) p.
La vente aux enchères de pétrole du Congo : déjouer le colonialisme climatique ou remplir les caisses?
Media Congo- (2022.09.07) p.
Congo's oil auction : foiling climate colonialism or filling the coffers?
African arguments- (2022.08.23) p.
Praxis in resource geography : tensions between engagement and critique in the (un)making of ecosystem services
The Routledge handbook of critical resource geography / Himley, M. [edit.]; et al.-p. 236-247
Contested mappings in a dynamic space : emerging socio-spatial relationships in the context of REDD+: a case from the Democratic Republic of Congo
Landscape research - ISSN 0142-6397-46:2 () p. 152-166