Biomimethics : a critical perspective on the ethical implications of biomimetics in technological innovation
Bioinspiration & biomimetics - ISSN 1748-3182-18:5 (2023) p. 1-11
Chromosome-level genome assembly of the Cape cliff lizard (**Hemicordylus capensis**)
Genome Biology and Evolution - ISSN 1759-6653-15:2 (2023) p. 1-18
The role of directed dispersal in driving genetic and morphological structure in invasive smallmouth bass
Frontiers in ecology and evolution - ISSN 2296-701X-9 (2022) p. 1-17
Osteoderms as calcium reservoirs : insights from the lizard Ouroborus cataphractus
Journal of anatomy - ISSN 0021-8782-241:3 (2022) p. 635-640
Intraspecific competition : a missing link in dermal armour evolution?
The journal of animal ecology - ISSN 0021-8790-91:8 (2022) p. 1562-1566