Current practices in prevention, screening, and treatment of diabetes in kidney transplant recipients : European survey highlights from the ERA DESCARTES Working Group

Clinical Kidney Journal - ISSN 2048-8505-18:1 (2025) p. 1-14

Health-economic modelling of improved behavior in insulin injection technique in Belgium

PharmacoEconomics - Open - ISSN 2509-4262- (2024) p.
    Kristof Theys, Sofie Vermander, Lieven Annemans, Christophe de Block, Michel P. Hermans, Imke Matthys, Frank Nobels, Trung Nguyen, Vanessa Preumont, Katerina Zakrzewska, Frank Vanderdonck

Avoiding repetitive change injury in the public sector : can leadership behavior reduce the damaging effect of repetitive reforms?

Antwerp, University of Antwerp & Hasselt University, 2024,162 p.