A tale of two processes : the dynamic interplay between emotion and cognition when learning from text
Antwerp, University of Antwerp, Faculty of Social Sciences, 2024,185 p.
Anders kijken, anders leren? Een blik op cognitieve leerprocessen in leren met video’s
Antwerpen, Universiteit Antwerpen,Faculteit Sociale Wetenschappen, Departement Opleiding- en Onderwijswetenschappen, 2024,236 p.
Entering the labor market : networks and networking behavior in the school-to-work transition
Vocations and learning - ISSN 1874-785X-17:2 (2024) p. 311-332
Exploring debugging processes and regulation strategies during collaborative coding tasks among elementary and secondary students
Computer science education - ISSN 0899-3408- (2024) p. 1-28
Mapping cognitive processes in video-based learning by combining trace and think-aloud data
Learning and instruction - ISSN 0959-4752-90 (2024) p. 1-18