A commissioning protocol for portal imaging-based radiotherapy in vivo dosimetry systems
Physics and Imaging in Radiation Oncology - ISSN 2405-6316-32 (2024) p. 1-8
In-vivo dosimetry for ultra-high dose rate (UHDR) electron beam FLASH radiotherapy using an organic (plastic), an organic-inorganic hybrid and an inorganic point scintillator system
Photonics - ISSN 2304-6732-11:9 (2024) p. 1-20
Coverage with evidence development program on stereotactic body radiotherapy in Belgium (2013-2019) : a nationwide registry-based prospective study
The Lancet regional health. Europe - ISSN 2666-7762-44 (2024) p. 1-13
Two-dimensional real-time dosimetry system using micro-and nano-(C₄₄H₃₈P₂)MnCl₄ radioluminescence coatings
Radiation measurements - ISSN 1350-4487-176 (2024) p. 1-11
Minimum and optimal requirements for a safe clinical implementation of ultra-high dose rate radiotherapy : a focus on patient's safety and radiation protection
Radiotherapy and oncology - ISSN 0167-8140-196 (2024) p. 1-8