Richtlijn multimodale aanpak van obesitas bij volwassenen in de eerstelijnszorg
2024,109 p.
Type 2 diabetes and risk factors in an adult population in Oujda, Eastern Morocco : a cross-sectional observational study
Cur_us - ISSN 2168-8184-16:7 (2024) p. 1-8
Evaluation of the learning effect on the six-minute walk distance in adults with long COVID
ERJ Open Research - ISSN 2312-0541-10:2 (2024) p. 1-4
Bilateral neuromuscular control in patients one year after unilateral ACL rupture or reconstruction : a cross-sectional study
Heliyon - ISSN 2405-8440-10:2 (2024) p. 1-10
Which motor-behavioral impairments are assessed in prospective studies including patients with an acute ankle sprain
Gazzetta medica italiana: archivio per le scienze mediche : rivista mensile di sperimentazione, farmacologia clinica e terapia - ISSN 0393-3660-182:10 (2023) p. 734-742