Teamteaching in Vlaanderen : de implementatie, beweegredenen en effecten voor leerlingen
Tijdschrift voor onderwijsrecht en onderwijsbeleid - ISSN 0778-0443-1-2 (2024-2025) p. 79-91
Studying the effectiveness of team teaching : a systematic review on the conceptual and methodological credibility of experimental studies
Review of educational research - ISSN 0034-6543- (2024) p. 1-46
Teachers' attitudes toward team teaching explained by teachers' self-efficacy, perceived collaboration, and team similarity
Social psychology of education - ISSN 1381-2890-27:5 (2024) p. 2479-2502
Measuring student engagement in lessons using an experience sampling methodology : the development and validation of the dynamic engagement with learning questionnaire
Journal of psychoeducational assessment - ISSN 0734-2829-42:5 (2024) p. 527-539
Entering the labor market : networks and networking behavior in the school-to-work transition
Vocations and learning - ISSN 1874-785X-17:2 (2024) p. 311-332