Building a foundation for high-quality health data : multihospital case study in Belgium

JMIR Medical Informatics - ISSN 2291-9694-12 (2024) p. 1-10
    Jens Declerck, Bert Vandenberk, Mieke Deschepper, Kirsten Colpaert, Lieselot Cool, Jens Goemaere, Frank Staelens, Koen de Meester, Eva Verbeke, Elke Smits, Cami De Decker, Nicky van der Vekens, Elin Pauwels, Robert Vander Stichele, Dipak Kalra, Pascal Coorevits

Editorial: Supporting pediatric drug development : from basic research to clinical studies and technological advancements

Frontiers in Pediatrics - ISSN 2296-2360-12 (2024) p. 1-3
    Nikolas Dietis, Karel Allegaert, Elke Smits, Adriana Ceci

Considerations on the obstacles that lead to slow recruitment in a pain management clinical trial : experiences from the Belgian PELICAN (PrEgabalin Lidocaine Capsaicin Neuropathic Pain) pragmatic study

Pain Research & Management : The Journal of the Canadian Pain Society - ISSN 1203-6765-2023 (2023) p. 1-13

Live birth after additional tubal flushing with oil-based contrast versus no additional flushing : a randomised, multicentre, parallel-group pragmatic trial in infertile women with at least one patent tube at hysterosalpingo-foam sonography (HYFOIL study)

BMJ open - ISSN 2044-6055-11:11 (2021) p.

Pediatric biobanking : kids are not just little adults

Biopreservation and biobanking - ISSN 1947-5535-18:4 (2020) p. 258-265
    Daniel R. Catchpoole, David Carpentieri, Suzanne Vercauteren, Lalita Wadhwa, William Schleif, Li Zhou, Junmei Zhou, Rania M. Labib, Elke Smits, Engela H. Conradie