A road not taken? The biography of Laurent Kabila (1939–2001)
The individual in African History : the importance of biography in African historical studies-p. 275-297
Le théâtre de Fita ou comment sublimer la dure réalité de la guerre
Vitabu : revue semestrielle d’études congolaises-1:1 (2019) p. 47-51
De la révolte à l’action : lecture des quatre ouvrages de Pépin Guillaume Manjolo
Vitabu : revue semestrielle d’études congolaises-1:1 (2019) p. 154-169
Angola's oil could actually be the DR Congo's : here's why it isn't
africanarguments.org- (2019.10.03) p. -
The DRC-Angola offshore oil dispute : how regime (in)security outweighs sovereign claims
Journal of Southern African studies - ISSN 0305-7070-45:5 () p. 841-857