What are animal rights for?
Animal welfare - ISSN 0962-7286-33 (2024) p. 1-2
Fenced Europe: a more-than-human perspective to border control. The case of Białowieża
European Law Open (ELO) - ISSN 2752-6135- (2024) p.
Owning sentient beings: the potential of sentience recognition in continental law
The legal recognition of animal sentience: principles, approaches and applications / Kotzmann, Jane [edit.]; Rodriguez Ferrere, M B [edit.]-p. 81-95
Strangers in paradise: the challenge of invasive alien species to (the implementation of) earth jurisprudence in Europe
Rights of nature in Europe : encounters and visions / Garcia Ruales, Jenny [edit.]; et al. [edit.]-p. 216-233
Beyond animal welfare: respecting animal dignity in continental law
Animal dignity: philosophical reflections on non-human existence / Challenger, Melanie [edit.]-p. 190-201