Following the rich and famous : a daily diary study on adolescents' cognitive, affective, and physiological engagement with positive and negative celebrity content
Current psychology: research and reviews - ISSN 1046-1310-43 (2024) p. 28919-28936
Emotionele arbeid bij social influencers : wanneer het merk belangrijker wordt dan de persoon
Tijdschrift voor communicatiewetenschap - ISSN 1384-6930-52:1 (2024) p. 106-110
“Go eat some grass” : gender differences in the Twitter discussion about meat, vegetarianism and veganism
The journal of social psychology - ISSN 0022-4545-164:6 (2024) p. 1139-1143
Situational and personal determinants of adolescents' attitudes toward online celebrity bashing
Psychology of popular media - ISSN 2689-6567-13:1 (2024) p. 140-149
Mommy influencers: helpful or harmful? The relationship between exposure to mommy influencers and perceived parental self-efficacy among mothers and primigravida
New media and society - ISSN 1461-4448-26:4 (2024) p. 2295-2314