Georgios Pipintakos

Since October 2023 Georgios Pipintakos is a Research Foundation Flanders (FWO) postdoctoral research fellow within the Sustainable Pavements and Asphalt Research (SuPAR) group of the Faculty of Applied Engineering at the University of Antwerp. His current project examines the oxidative mechanisms of polymer-modified bitumen in combination with the polymer deterioration over time. More info about his project you can find here: Exploring the deteriorative mechanisms in polymer-modified bitumen
In 2015 Georgios Pipintakos graduated as Civil Engineer (M.Eng.) from the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (A.U.T.H.) with specialization in Transportation, Infrastructure and Regional Planning. For the acquisition of this diploma he conducted a master thesis in the laboratory of highway engineering where he explored the rheological properties of conventional and modified bitumens.
He also obtained a Master diploma (Ir.) in the faculty of Civil Engineering and Geosciences from the Delft University of Technology (TU Delft) with specialization in Structural Engineering, Roads and Railways Engineering (2018). In his final master thesis titled: Experimental characterization of chemical and physical performance of epoxy modified bitumen, he investigated a novel epoxy modification of bituminous binders.
In 2022 he was successfully awarded the title of Doctor in Applied Engineering from the University of Antwerp. His PhD dissertation investigated via a number of spectroscopic, microscopic, thermoanalytical and rheological techniques the ageing mechanisms of bitumen. His PhD project, under the supervision of Prof. Wim Van den bergh (University of Antwerp) and Dr. Hilde Soenen, (Nynas) was titled: Towards an enhanced understanding of the oxidative ageing mechanisms in bitumen.