Strategies for introducing and implementing vaccines for adults into national immunization programs in Europe : good practices and key insights of the adult immunization board meeting
Human vaccines & immunotherapeutics - ISSN 2164-5515-21:1 (2025) p. 1-8
Navigating vaccine confidence : a mixed methods study investigating healthcare providers' perspectives across four non-EU European regions
Vaccine - ISSN 0264-410X-47 (2025) p. 1-14
The Vaccine Training Barometer : assessing healthcare providers' confidence to answer vaccine-related questions and their training needs
Vaccine - ISSN 0264-410X-42:9 (2024) p. 2421-2428
Primary healthcare providers' views on periodic COVID-19 booster vaccination for themselves and their patients : a 2023 nationwide survey in Belgium
Vaccines - ISSN 2076-393X-12:7 (2024) p. 1-16
The Adult Immunization Board (AIB) : a new platform to provide multidisciplinary guidelines for the implementation and optimization of adult immunization in Europe
Vaccine - ISSN 0264-410X-42:1 (2024) p. 1-3