Discovery and development of an advanced lead for the treatment of African trypanosomiasis

ACS Infectious Diseases - ISSN 2373-8227-11:1 (2024) p. 131-143

Discovery of a series of macrocycles as potent inhibitors of Leishmania infantum

Journal of medicinal chemistry - ISSN 0022-2623-67:20 (2024) p. 18170-18193
    Federico Riu, Larissa Alena Ruppitsch, Duc Duy Vo, Richard S. Hong, Mohit Tyagi, An Matheeussen, Sarah Hendrickx, Vasanthanathan Poongavanam, Guy Caljon, Ahmad Y. Sheikh, Peter Sjo, Jan Kihlberg

Pyrazolyl amide-chalcones conjugates : synthesis and antikinetoplastid activity

Naunyn-Schmiedebergs archives of pharmacology - ISSN 0028-1298- (2024) p.

AI is a viable alternative to high throughput screening : a 318-target study

Scientific reports - ISSN 2045-2322-14:1 (2024) p. 1-16
    Izhar Wallach, Denzil Bernard, Kong Nguyen, Gregory Ho, Adrian Morrison, Adrian Stecula, Andreana Rosnik, Ann Marie O'Sullivan, Aram Davtyan, Ben Samudio, Bill Thomas, Brad Worley, Brittany Butler, Christian Laggner, Desiree Thayer, Ehsan Moharreri, Greg Friedland, Ha Truong, Henry van den Bedem, Ho Leung Ng, Kate Stafford, Krishna Sarangapani, Kyle Giesler, Lien Ngo, Michael Mysinger, Mostafa Ahmed, Nicholas J. Anthis, Niel Henriksen, Pawel Gniewek, Sam Eckert, Saulo de Oliveira, Shabbir Suterwala, Srimukh Veccham Krishna PrasadPrasad, Stefani Shek, Stephanie Contreras, Stephanie Hare, Teresa Palazzo, Terrence E. O'Brien, Tessa Van Grack, Tiffany Williams, Ting-Rong Chern, Victor Kenyon, An Matheeussen, Gilles De Keulenaer, Guy Caljon, Julie Cools, Margot Vleminckx, Natascha Van Pelt, Vincent F.M. Segers, Abraham Heifets

Effect of Leishmania infantum infection on B cell lymphopoiesis and memory in the bone marrow and spleen

The FASEB journal - ISSN 0892-6638-38:16 (2024) p. 1-14