Habiter en ville : les dynamiques de la culture matérielle
Faire société au Moyen Age : historie urbaine des anciens Pays-Bas (1100-1600) / Billen, C. [edit.]; et al.-p. 223-248
At home in the city: the dynamics of material culture
City and society in the Low Countries, 1100-1600 / Blondé, Bruno [edit.]; et al.-p. 192-219
At home and on the road: comparing food cultures in the medieval Low Countries
Travel, time, and space in the Middle Ages and Early Modern Time: explorations of world perceptions and processes of identity Formation / Classen, Albrecht [edit.]-p. 331-358
Antwerp and the 'Material Renaissance' : exploring the social and economic significance of crystal glass and majolica in the sixteenth century
The Routledge handbook of material culture in Early Modern Europe / Richardson, Catherine [edit.]-p. 436-451
A bittersweet symphony : the social recipe of dining culture in late medieval and early modern Bruges (1438-1600)
Antwerp, University of Antwerp, Faculty of Arts, 2016,390 p.