Room temperature electron beam sensitive viscoplastic response of ultra-ductile amorphous olivine films
Acta materialia - ISSN 1359-6454-282 (2025) p. 1-10
Strain-and temperature-induced dilatancy in ZrNi thin film metallic glasses with nanoscale structural heterogeneities
Journal of materials research - ISSN 0884-2914- (2024) p.
Crafting oxide superlattices with efficient electron doping induced by interfacial charge transfer
Physical review applied - ISSN 2331-7019-22:5 (2024) p. 1-9
Investigation of the octahedral network structure in formamidinium lead bromide nanocrystals by low-dose scanning transmission electron microscopy
Nano letters - ISSN 1530-6984-24:35 (2024) p. 10936-10942
Supplementary Information and Data for "Unveiling the 3D Morphology of Epitaxial GaAs/AlGaAs Quantum Dots"
Zenodo, 2024,