Synthesis and pharmacological evaluation of fluoro/chloro-substituted acetyl and benzoyl esters of quinine as antimalarial agents

Results in Chemistry - ISSN 2211-7156-7 (2024) p. 1-7
    Jean-Gonfi Mvondo Mbala, Dani Thierry Mawete, Alain Nanikafuako Makiese, Prosper Lwanzo Kwiraviwe, Bibiche Kuyubuka Pangu, Eric Buini Nguimi, Kanyanga Cimanga, Luc Pieters, Gilles Degotte, Michel Frederich, Aristote Matondo, Natascha Van Pelt, Guy Caljon, Bernard Pirotte, Blaise Mbala Mavinga, Sylvie-Mireille Bambi-Nyanguile

Assessment of acute and subacute toxicity of aqueous extract and in vitro susceptiblity of extracts and isolated indoloquinoline alkaloids from Cryptolepis sanguinolenta (lindl.) Schlechter (periplocaceae) root bark to Entamoeba histolytica

World journal of pharmacy and pharmaceutical sciences - ISSN 2278-4357-7:7 (2018) p. 183-210

Spasmolytic activity of flavonoid extracts from some medicinal plants used as antidiarrheal agents in traditional medicine in Kinshasa- DRCongo

World journal of pharmacy and pharmaceutical sciences - ISSN 2278-4357-7:7 (2018) p. 170-182