De logica achter voedselhulp : inzichten uit de toepassing van verschillende waarderingsmethoden
Armoede en ongelijkheid : jaarboek 2024 / Coene, J. [edit.]; et al.-p. 371-389
Stepping out of the margin : exploring the scope and the dynamics of charity food aid in relation to inadequate social safety nets in European welfare states
Antwerpen, Universiteit Antwerpen, Faculteit Sociale Wetenschappen, Departement Sociologie, 2024,151 p.
Exploring the practical relevance of food aid rationales in Belgium : lessons from applying in-kind transfer valuation methods
Social policy and administration - ISSN 0144-5596- (2024) p.
De bittere nasmaak van voedselhulp
Samenleving en politiek - ISSN 1372-0740-31:4 (2024) p. 38-42
Shifts at the margin of European welfare states : how important is food aid in complementing inadequate minimum incomes?
Journal of European social policy - ISSN 0958-9287-34:3 (2024) p. 323-337