Professional learning in the workplace : how and why do physicians learn?
Vocations and learning - ISSN 1874-785X-17:3 (2024) p. 589-611
Het leren op de werkplek van de leraar in opleiding (LIO) : vanuit de noden van betrokkenen naar een begeleidingsaanpak in trialoog
Tijdschrift voor lerarenopleiders - ISSN 1876-4622-45:2 (2024) p. 38-59
Nurses' self-regulated learning in clinical wards : important insights for nurse educators from a multi-method research study
Nurse education today: the journal for health care education - ISSN 0260-6917-137 (2024) p. 1-8
Longitudinal case study research to study self-regulation of professional learning : combining observations and stimulated recall interviews throughout everyday work
Methods for researching professional learning and development : challenges, applications and empirical illustrations-p. 579-600
Self-regulation of professional learning : towards a new era of research
Research approaches on workplace learning : insights from a growing field / Harteis, C. [edit.]; et al.-p. 219-237