The twenty-first century : from paper notebooks to keystroke logging
A comparative history of the literary draft in Europe / Beloborodova, Olga [edit.]; Van Hulle, Dirk [edit.]-p. 87-98
‘Behind the computer screens’ : the use of keystroke logging for genetic criticism applied to born-digital works of literature
Amsterdam, University of Amsterdam and University of Antwerp, 2023,330 p.
The reconstruction of the author’s movement through the text, or how to encode keystroke logged writing processes in TEI-XML
Variants : the journal of the European Society for Textual Scholarship - ISSN 1573-3084-15-16 (2021) p. 3-43
De geboorte van een plein : de analoge en digitale tekstgenese van het incipit in Gie Bogaerts roman Roosevelt
Tijdschrift voor Nederlandse taal- en letterkunde - ISSN 0040-7550-137:2 (2021) p. 122-149