Environmental sensitivity and impact of climate change on leaf-, wood- and root phenology for the overstory and understory of temperate deciduous forests
Current forestry reports - ISSN 2198-6436-11:1 (2024) p. 1-16
Concurrent time course of xylem hydraulic dysfunction and non-structural carbohydrates under contrasting water deficits and nitrogen supplies in poplar
Environmental and experimental botany - ISSN 0098-8472-206 (2023) p. 1-15
Late autumn warming can both delay and advance spring budburst through contrasting effects on bud dormancy depth in Fagus sylvatica L.
Tree physiology - ISSN 0829-318X-43:10 (2023) p. 1718-1730
Fellfields of the Kerguelen Islands harbour specific soil microbiomes and rhizomicrobiomes of an endemic plant facing necrosis
Frontiers in Soil Science - ISSN 2673-8619-2 (2022) p. 1-16
Wood growth phenology and its relationship with leaf phenology in deciduous forest trees of the temperate zone of Western Europe
Agricultural and forest meteorology - ISSN 0168-1923-327 (2022) p. 1-21