Foreign aid and Bangladesh : donor relations and realpolitik
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Political patronage, civil service politicization, and the ordeals of career civil servants : insights from Bangladesh
Political patronage in Asian bureaucracies / Peters, B. Guy [edit.]-p. 69-96
Exploring 'country ownership' : an analysis of development cooperation practices of selected European partners in Bangladesh
Journal of South Asian development - ISSN 0973-1741-18:1 (2023) p. 70-89
Participation as aid conditionality : parliamentary engagement in Bangladesh's poverty reduction strategy
Asia Pacific journal of public administration - ISSN 2327-6665-41:4 (2019) p. 230-236
The civil service's "fast food approach" to development policy-making in Bangladesh : critique and agenda for reform
Asia Pacific journal of public administration - ISSN 2327-6665-40:3 (2018) p. 159-174