The medicalisation of female genital cutting in Kenya : a threefold exposition
Culture, health and sexuality - ISSN 1369-1058- (2024) p.
Relationship between classic indicators of health behaviour and contraceptive choices in women in Flanders
BMC women's health - ISSN 1472-6874-24:1 (2024) p. 1-11
The educational gradient in formal childcare use : the role of employment opportunities and (in)formal childcare availability
Community, work & family - ISSN 1366-8803-27:4 (2024) p. 535-555
Uptake of formal childcare among second generation and native mothers in Belgium : can increasing local childcare availability narrow migrant-native gaps?
Genus - ISSN 2035-5556-79:1 (2023) p. 1-28
Formal childcare uptake of native and second generation parents in Belgium : do local childcare expansions narrow migrant-native uptake gaps?
European Population Conference (EPC), 29 June - 2 July 2022, Groningen, The Netherlands- (2022) p. 1-6