Bespreking - Hof van Justitie 25 april 2024
Rechtskundig weekblad - ISSN 1782-3463-88:15 (2024) p. 575-576
The single market, the rule of law and access to EU Courts : vigilance of individuals before EU Courts
The internal market ideal : essays in honour of Stephen Weatherill / Adams-Prassl, Jeremias [edit.]; et al. [edit.]-p. 365-386
Article 101 TFEU and the European Green Deal: from effective competition to sustainable competition?
Young Universities for the Future of Europe (YUFE) Law Conference Proceedings / Kunda, Ivana [edit.]; Mouttotos, Nicholas [edit.]-1 (2022) p. 1-13
Het Hof van Justitie verduidelijkt de criteria voor de toepassing van het ne bis in idem-beginsel in mededingingszaken
Tijdschrift voor Belgisch handelsrecht - ISSN 0772-8050- (2022) p. 920-926
The legal effects of decisions of autonomous bodies established under an international agreement: Sevince
EU external relations law: the cases in context / Butler, G. [edit.]; et al. [edit.]-p. 205-213