Magnetic Resonance imaging evaluation of the distance to the popliteal artery in arthroscopic popliteus tendon versus posterior cruciate ligament reconstruction
Journal of orthopaedics - ISSN 0972-978X-66 (2025) p. 21-24
Identification and culture of meniscons, meniscus cells with their pericellular matrix
Cytotherapy - ISSN 1465-3249-27:1 (2025) p. 98-106
Preoperative glycaemic control, number of pain locations, structural knee damage, self‐reported central sensitisation, satisfaction and personal control are predictive of 1‐year postoperative pain, and change in pain from pre‐ to 1‐year posttotal knee arthroplasty
Knee surgery, sports traumatology, arthroscopy - ISSN 0942-2056-33:1 (2025) p. 201-219
A biopsychosocial approach to phenotyping people with knee osteoarthritis awaiting total knee arthroplasty : a secondary cohort analysis
Annals of physical and rehabilitation medicine - ISSN 1877-0657-67:8 (2024) p. 1-14
Three-dimensional bone morphology is a risk factor for medial postmeniscectomy syndrome : a retrospective cohort study
Journal of experimental orthopaedics - ISSN 2197-1153-11:3 (2024) p. 1-16