Did urban manure nourish the country? Social consequences of fertiliser improvement in eighteenth-century Flemish farming
Inequality and the City in the Low Countries (1200-2020) / Blondé, Bruno [edit.]; et al.-p. 63-78
From home food production to professional farming: the social and geographical continuum of urban agriculture: nineteenth-century Oudenaarde and Kortrijk, Belgium
Farming the city: the resilience and decline of urban agriculture in European history-p. 95-121
Urban development and local food production. Ability and inability of feeding growing cities by urban agriculture in nineteenth-century industrialising Belgium
Stocks, seasons and sales : food supply, storage and markets in Europe and the New World, c. 1600-2000-p. 130-147
La valorisation des déchets urbains et l'amélioration des plans de fertilisation dans l'agriculture flamande du XVIIIe siècle
Fumiers! Ordures! Gestion et usage des déchets dans les campagnes de l'Occident médiéval et moderne : actes des XXXVIIIes journées internationales d'histoire de l'Abbaye de Flaran, 14 et 15 octobre 2016- () p. 231-255
The fruits of better roads and waterways : facilitating fertiliser improvement through transport innovations in 18th-century Flemish husbandry
The journal of transport history - ISSN 0022-5266-39:2 (2018) p. 170-192