Beckett’s ‘Arabian Nights of the Mind’: unnarratability, denarrat(ivisat)ion and narrative closure in the radio play 'Cascando'
Genetic narratology: analysing narrative across versions / Van Hulle, D. [edit.]-p. 151-167
Radio drama and adaptation studies
Journal of adaptation in film & performance - ISSN 1753-6421-17:2-3 (2024) p. 113-124
Visualizing the unseen: stage and screen adaptations of Samuel Beckett’s Radio Play 'All That Fall'
Journal of adaptation in film & performance - ISSN 1753-6421-17:2-3 (2024) p. 163-176
‘a specialist of neither more nor less importance than the other specialists involved’: Beckett’s Collaborative Ecologies across Media
Samuel Beckett and ecology / McTighe, T. [edit.]; et al. [edit.]-p. 31-42
Radio : between text and sound
A comparative history of the literary draft in Europe / Beloborodova, O. [edit.]; et al. [edit.]-p. 52-534