WT1-mRNA dendritic cell vaccination of patients with glioblastoma multiforme, malignant pleural mesothelioma, metastatic breast cancer, and other solid tumors : type 1 T-lymphocyte responses are associated with clinical outcome

Journal of hematology and oncology - ISSN 1756-8722-18:1 (2025) p. 1-6

Long-term health-related quality of life in head and neck cancer survivors : a large multinational study

International journal of cancer - ISSN 0020-7136-154:10 (2024) p. 1772-1785
    Katherine J. Taylor, Cecilie D. Amdal, Kristin Bjordal, Guro L. Astrup, Bente B. Herlofson, Frederic Duprez, Ricardo R. Gama, Alexandre Jacinto, Eva Hammerlid, Melissa Scricciolo, Femke Jansen, Irma M. Verdonck-de Leeuw, Giuseppe Fanetti, Orlando Guntinas-Lichius, Johanna Inhestern, Tatiana Dragan, Alexander Fabian, Andreas Boehm, Ulrike Woehner, Naomi Kiyota, Maximilian Krueger, Pierluigi Bonomo, Monica Pinto, Sandra Nuyts, Joaquim Castro Silva, Carmen Stromberger, Pol Specenier, Francesco Tramacere, Ayman Bushnak, Pietro Perotti, Michaela Plath, Alberto Paderno, Noa Stempler, Maria Kouri, Vincent Gregoire, Susanne Singer

Functional status in older patients with cancer and a frailty risk profile : a multicenter observational study

Journal of Geriatric Oncology - ISSN 1879-4068-13:8 (2022) p. 1162-1171
    Glen Meert, Cindy Kenis, Koen Milisen, Philip R. Debruyne, Inge De Groof, Christian Focan, Frank Cornelis, Vincent Verschaeve, Christian Bachmann, Dominique Bron, Heidi Van den Bulck, Dirk Schrijvers, Christine Langenaeken, Pol Specenier, Guy Jerusalem, Jean-Philippe Praet, Jean-Pierre Lobelle, Johan Flamaing, Hans Wildiers, Lore DECOSTER

Incidence of falls and fall-related injuries and their predictive factors in frail older persons with cancer : a multicenter study

BMC geriatrics - ISSN 1471-2318-22:1 (2022) p. 1-14
    Cindy Kenis, Lore Decoster, Johan Flamaing, Philip R. Debruyne, Inge De Groof, Christian Focan, Frank Cornelis, Vincent Verschaeve, Christian Bachmann, Dominique Bron, Heidi Van den Bulck, Dirk Schrijvers, Christine Langenaeken, Pol Specenier, Guy Jerusalem, Jean-Philippe Praet, Jessie De Cock, Jean-Pierre Lobelle, Hans Wildiers, Koen Milisen

ESO-ESSO-ESTRO multidisciplinary course in oncology for medical students : 4 years of experience (2016-2019)

Journal of cancer education - ISSN 0885-8195-37:4 (2022) p. 1239-1244