From operational to strategic modelling : a continuous multi-scale approach for last-mile analysis
Transportation research : part E : logistics and transportation review - ISSN 1366-5545-191 (2024) p. 1-25
Location-routing problem for integrated supply chain network design with first and last mile : a critical literature review
Operations and supply chain management : an international journal - ISSN 1979-3561-17:2 (2024) p. 206-219
Cooling technologies in cooled supply chains : about the suitability and sustainability of dry ice as a cooling medium: an exhaustive review
Advances in Resilient and Sustainable Transport : proceedings of the 6th Interdisciplinary Conference on Production, Logistics and Traffic 2023 / Clausen, U [edit.]- () p. 274-290
Strategic multi-echelon and cross-modal CO₂ emissions calculation in parcel distribution networks : first step toward a common language
Transportation research record - ISSN 0361-1981-2677:6 (2023) p. 620-630
Which data to collect and how, so as to understand urban freight distribution? Setting the framework
Sustainable city logistics planning : methods and applications, volume 2 / Awasthi, Anjali [edit.]-p. 117-148