Synthesis and chiroptical properties of inherently chiral ‘picket-fence’ catechol BOPHYs
Dyes and pigments - ISSN 0143-7208-218 (2023) p. 1-8
Interaction of nitrite with ferric protoglobin from Methanosarcina acetivorans : an interesting model for spectroscopic studies of the haem-ligand interaction
Dalton Transactions : an international journal of inorganic chemistry - ISSN 1477-9226-52:10 (2023) p. 2976-2987
Improving the IR spectra alignment algorithm with spectra deconvolution and combination with Raman or VCD spectroscopy
Physical chemistry, chemical physics - ISSN 1463-9076-25:3 (2023) p. 2063-2074
GLB-3 : a resilient, cysteine-rich, membrane-tethered globin expressed in the reproductive and nervous system of Caenorhabditis elegans
Journal of inorganic biochemistry - ISSN 0162-0134-238 (2023) p. 1-17
Epimeric mixture analysis and absolute configuration determination using an integrated spectroscopic and computational approach : a case study of two epimers of 6-hydroxyhippeastidine
Molecules: a journal of synthetic chemistry and natural product chemistry - ISSN 1420-3049-28:1 (2023) p. 1-15