Members of the Antwerp Analysis Team:



Current postdocs:​

Former postdocs:

  • Aldo Witte (Feb-Sept 2023 EoS-2 funded, from Oct 2023 onward UA BOF opvangmandaat), now postdoc at Universität Hamburg/ Germany.
  • Marta Farré (2020-2023, FWO senior postdoc).
  • Joseph Palmer (2019-2023, first UA-MarieCurie-Opvang funded, then FWO senior postdoc; 2020-2024 also affiliated with University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign), now tenure-track assistant professor at Amherst/ USA.
  • Tom Mestdag (2016-2023; between 2018-2020 partially EoS-1 funded), now a professor at the University of Antwerp/ Belgium.
  • Sándor Hajdú (2022 - Jan 2023), now working at KBC in Brussels/Belgium.
  • Yannick Gullentops (2022), now working at Agenta in Antwerp/Belgium.
  • Jaume Alonso (2019-2020, EoS-1 funded), now at TU Berlin, Germany.
  • Marine Fontaine (2018-2021, EoS-1 funded), now at University of Warwick, UK.

PhD students

Ongoing PhD projects:​​

  1. Senne Ignoul (Universiteit Antwerpen, advisor: Sonja Hohloch), since October 1, 2021, FWO PhD scholarship.
  2. Tobias Henriksen (Rijksuniversiteit Groningen & Universiteit Antwerpen (advisors: Sonja Hohloch & Nikolay Martynchuk & Holger Waalkens), since September 2022, Groningen & EoS-2 funded.
  3. Pedro Santos (Universiteit Antwerpen, advisor: Sonja Hohloch), since October 1, 2022, EoS-2 funded.
  4. Kenzo Yasaka (Universiteit Antwerpen, advisors: Sonja Hohloch & Tom Mestdag), since October 1, 2022, BOF DocPro4 funded.
  5. Constant Huiszoon (Universiteit Antwerpen, advisor: Sonja Hohloch), since January 1, 2023, FWO-project funded.
  6. Malika Belrhazi (Universiteit Antwerpen, advisor: Tom Mestdag), since October 1, 2023, first departmental funding, then BOF DocPro4 funding.
  7. Imke Verlinden (Universiteit Antwerpen, advisor: David Eelbode), since October 1, 2024, departmental funding.
  8. Matteo Manenti (Universiteit Antwerpen), since November 2024, EoS-2 funded.


Finished PhD projects:

  1. Joaquim Brugués (UPC Barcelona & Universiteit Antwerpen, advisors: Eva Miranda (UPC Barcelona) & Sonja Hohloch), defended on March 20, 2024. Title of PhD thesis: "Floer Homology for 𝑏-symplectic manifolds".
  2. Güner Muarem (Universiteit Antwerpen, advisors: Sonja Hohloch & David Eelbode), defended on Sept 5, 2023. Title of PhD thesis: "Point vortex dynamics and symplectic Dirac operators".
  3. Sándor Hajdú (Universiteit Antwerpen, advisors: Sonja Hohloch & Tom Mestdag), defended on May 30, 2022. Title of PhD thesis: "Jacobi fields, conjugate points and nonlinear splittings in Finsler geometry and related fields".
  4. Yannick Gullentops (advisor: Sonja Hohloch), defended on March 16, 2022. Title of PhD thesis: "Hyperbolic singularities in the presence of S1-actions and Hamiltonian PDEs".
  5. Jaume Alonso (advisor: Sonja Hohloch), defended on Sept 11, 2019. Title of PhD thesis: "On the symplectic invariants of semitoric systems".
  6. Tim Janssens (advisor: David Eelbode), defended in June 2018.
  7. Matthias Roels (advisor: David Eelbode), defended in February 2017.

Visitors (staying at least 1 week)

  1. Geoff Prince (La Trobe University, Australia), September 2023 and September 2024.
  2. Tobias Henriksen (Groningen, Netherlands), January 21-27, 2024.
  3. Tobias Henriksen and Nikolay Martynchuk (both Groningen, Netherlands), April 17-21, 2023).
  4. Yohann Le Floch (IRMA Strasbourg, France), July 10-19, 2022.
  5. Daisuke Tarama (Ritsumeikan University, Japan), February 29 - March 8, 2020.
  6. Mahouton Norbert Hounkonnou (University of Abomey-Calavi, Benin), April 19 - May 3, 2019.
  7. Joseph Palmer (Rutgers University, USA), Aug 20-29, 2018.