This miniworkshop is held jointly by the Geometry and Analysis Research Groups of the ULB, KUL and UAntwerpen and is funded by the Excellence of Science grant "Beyond Symplectic Geometry". This workshop will take place on Thursday, January 16, 2025 at the University of Antwerp. The main aim is to give the junior members of all three groups the chance to meet each other and hear about their research.


Registration is now closed (deadline was Wednesday, Jan 15, 2025). Registration is free but mandatory since the UAntwerpen EoS team needs to know the number of participants for organisational reasons (lunch, amount of coffee during breaks etc.).

Program: There will be 4 talks:

10.30h -- 11:30h: talk by Marco Zambon (KUL): title + abstract

11.45h -- 12:45h: talk by Charlotte Kirchhoff-Lukat (KUL): title + abstract

13.00h -- 14:00h: Lunch break

14.00h -- 15:00h: talk by Pranav Chakravarthy (ULB): title + abstract

15.15h -- 16:15h: talk by Alan Pinoy (ULB): title + abstract

Date & Venue:

It will take place on Thursday, Jan 16, 2025 at the University of Antwerp on Campus Middelheim in Building G on the ground floor of building G either in M.G.004 or in M.G.010 depending on the number of participants. Travel instructions may be found HERE or for instance via GoogleMaps.

If you intend to come by public transport: see travel directions.

If you intend to come by car: Please keep in mind that Antwerp has a so-called "low emission zone (LEZ)" (= everything inside the highway ring). Campus Middelheim is located outside this zone, but depending on how/where you get on/off the highway you may pass through the LEZ or not (E19 exit/entry no. 6 "Wilrijk" avoids the LEZ, but the E19 exit "Antwerpen Zuid/Berchem" makes you pass through the LEZ for a short moment). The entrance to our parking lot is HERE (don't confuse it with the entrance to the underground parking of the hospital next to us 40m down the street). One of the PhD students of the local organizers will let you into our parking lot.


List of Speakers & Participants (click here).

Local organizers:

Marcelo Alves, Sonja Hohloch, and Federico Zadra plus many PhD students.


This miniworkshop is financed by the University of Antwerp and the FWO-F.N.R.S.-EoS grant "Beyond symplectic geometry".