2-day minicourse event on Singularities in Geometry and Dynamics on Nov 22-23, 2021
This is a joint 2-day event that will take place in Hasselt/Belgium and that is organised by the dynamical systems team at UHasselt (headed by Peter De Maesschalck), the geometry team at KU Leuven (headed by Joeri Van der Veken and Marco Zambon), and the analysis team at UAntwerpen (headed by Sonja Hohloch).
REGISTRATION CLOSED (Deadline was Nov 17, 2021).
- Participation in this event is free, but registration is mandatory for organizational reasons!
- Please note that participation in the LUNCHES and DINNER is now subject to the so-called Corona Safe Ticket.
Here you find the SCHEDULE and the abstracts of the MINICOURSES and the abstracts of the SHORT TALKS.
Altogether the program consists of
- 1 minicourse on Selected Topics in Dynamical Systems by Peter De Maesschalck (Hasselt) and Sonja Hohloch (Antwerpen).
- 1 minicourse on Selected Topics in Differential Geometry by Joeri Van der Veken (KU Leuven) and Marco Zambon (KU Leuven).
- 2 external speakers on selected topics of Differential Geometry and Dynamical Systems:
- Marie-Amélie Lawn (Imperial College London);
- Ale Jan Homburg (Korteweg-de Vries Institute & VU Amsterdam);
- 8 short talks by PhD students and postdocs from UHasselt, KU Leuven, and UAntwerpen.
LIST of all speakers & participants.
Venue & Travel directions
Venue: Room FR-1.02 on Campus Hasselt Centre "The old prison" (not on Campus Diepenbeek!).
Travel directions:
- Location of Campus Hasselt Centre "The old Prison" in GoogleMaps. Official address is Martelarenlaan 42, 3500 Hasselt.
- Map of the Campus Hasselt Centre "The old Prison" and of its ground floor and 1st floor and how to find room FR-1.02: enter through the big gate on the left (see picture below) and follow the entrance to the left side after entering the gate. Then proceed towards the backside of the building and continue along a broad hall with gentle steps downwards. Then go towards the first floor and, upon arrival there, turn right towards room FR-1.02.
- How to get to Campus Hasselt Centre by train, bus, bike, and car.
- GoogleMaps direction from Hasselt Train Station to Campus Hasselt Centre "The old Prison": 16min walk
- Overview map of the Campus "The old Prison" in Hasselt Centre and the Campus Diepenbeek.
Practical information (WIFI, lunch & dinner locations etc.)
- WIFI at Campus Hasselt Centre: Eduroam.
- location of lunch: In the cafeteria/restaurant in the same building as the workshop.
- location of dinner: Restaurant 't Borrelhuis Hasselt
- Tourist attraction of the season: Christmas market "Winterland Hasselt".
- Tourist information of Hasselt.
- What Wikipedia thinks to know about Hasselt.
This event is financed by the Doctoral Schools of