Miniworkshop "Clifford analysis and symplectic dynamics"
This 2-day miniworkshop on Sept 4-5, 2023 in Antwerp/Belgium aims at bringing together junior and senior researchers on Clifford analysis, representation theory of Lie groups, symplectic dynamics, and related topics.
In the afternoon of Sept 5 (more precisely at 17:00h in M.A.143), there will be the public PhD defense of Guner Muarem to which all speakers and participants are wholeheartedly invited.
Speakers & Participants
List of speakers:
- Marcelo Alves (Antwerpen): abstract
- Marianna Chatzakou (Gent): abstract
- Sam Claerebout (Gent): abstract
- Marcelo Gonçalves DeMartino (Gent): abstract
- Simone Gutt (ULB): abstract
- Bas Janssens (TU Delft): abstract
- Guner Muarem (Antwerpen): abstract
- Karandeep Singh (KU Leuven): abstract
List of participants (including speakers & organizers):
Registration & Venue & Schedule
- Registration (deadline = Wednesday, Aug 30, 2023) is free but mandatory since the organizers need to know the number of participants for organisational reasons (lunch, amount of coffee during breaks etc.).
- Detailed SCHEDULE.
- Workshop venue: All workshop talks, except the very last one, will take place in M.G.006 (= Room 006 on the ground floor in Building G on Campus Middelheim). The last talk of the workshop on Tuesday (Sept 5) is the public PhD defense of Guner Muarem which will take place in M.A.143 (Room 143 in Building A on Campus Middelheim). For general travel directions to Campus Middelheim, see the "travel direction" tab/section in the menu on the left.
Travel instructions
Please consult my "travel direction" tab/section in the menu on the left.
This workshop is funded by the University of Antwerp and the EoS project "Symplectic techniques in differential geometry".